Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Kirandeep Yoder
The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
I first had heard of Hilltop Hoods back in 2007. Their style was a breath of fresh air in a room full of vomit. I feel they have a distinct style and respect for the game. They never cease to please the fans with everything they do because their focus is on the people with head phones sitting at home, the people with the 12' subs cruisin' all slow, and the mother f'in people in the front row. This film pays homage to a genre that has had quite a cult following since it's birth and is a great crossover film with a live concert by the group. The gore is "b" status but that is the point. This film is a joke and shout out to all the unique people of the world with eccentric taste buds. Don't go into this with any expectations, you don't know what you are in for. This is a whole new way to watch a concert.Hilltop fans and anyone with a sense of humor and taste for zombie flesh will most likely have fun watching this. Just remember it is not meant to be taken serious. I enjoyed it far more than just a concert or plain old zombie flick. Do yourself a favor and just grab this movie,some brews, and buds, and roll up a Rizzla. 7.5/10
Dj UK (djuk)
RE review from lillith-13 , Not sure you get the point of this film ,and as far as "amateur" hip hop you truly show your colours , you must know so little about hip hop you've proved you review useless. Hilltop hoods have constantly delivered quality hip hop , with a positive message as well as supporting Eminem in Canada . Australian hip hop in my opinion is some of the best in the world and this film is a great for the fans who normally only listen to the music . Check out Hilltop Hoods new album out 9/3?2012 I hope you find this useful, I felt the film deserved a decent reviewPeace, DJ 33 UK
The Hill-top hoods release a zombie flick, primarily as a premise for a live concert from their double platinum, number 1 reaching album 'State of the Art' In which humorous zombie clips are used to space out the epic live performance of great Hip-hop coming from Australia's 'Golden Era' squad.Filmed in an abandoned Gaol in SA, Australia makes for a great set for a film of such a nature yet also as a place to film their live concert.If your a hip hop fan, a zombie-flick fan (a Shaun of the dead lover??) or just want some good music combined with great inginuity and fun. Buy and watch this DVD.
A film where no one thought about hiring a scenarist... The music is also quite bad, bad amateur hip-hop... Well, a movie to avoid if you don't want to die, from boredom... It's difficult to even write 10 lines about this piece of atrocity. There is no aesthetic neither, the actor seems to never be able to forget that there are in front of a camera. To speak about the music, it take more than half of the movie, showing a live concert and idiot interview of very self-centered "artist" listening them-self talking. The special effect are also very bad and unrealistic, the zombies look like drunk teenagers for Halloween night.It's a movie you will regret to watch, if like me you make the mistake to think that the two first minutes looks like fun.