
2008 "You can't kill what's already dead!"
5.8| 1h30m| R| en| More Info
Released: 11 March 2008 Released
Producted By: Regent Capital
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In a seedy bar in a town ravaged by war, scientist and businessman Hunt hires mercenary and former Royal Marine D.C. to assemble a crack team of ex-soldiers to protect him on a dangerous journey into no-man's land. Their mission is to scope out an old military bunker in Eastern Europe. It should be easy – 48 hours at the most. Lots of cash for little risk. Or so he says...

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Steve Barker

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Regent Capital


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Outpost Audience Reviews

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Madjack always Having watched a lot of these types of movies, I will say that caught on the clues and the movie still managed to surprise me I must say! I expected a low quality movie cheap effects and two line story. But no! It was outright frustrating and crap all together. Its quite an effort to churn out such surprisingly dull and boring stuff. Hats off to the makers.
GL84 Trekking into the wilderness, a group of soldiers during WWII sent to find a horde of lost Nazi gold in the area stumble across a disused bunker filled with dead bodies which are soon reanimated as indestructible Nazi Zombies intent on finishing their orders against the group.Frankly, there wasn't a whole lot really wrong with this one. One of the more enjoyable elements to be found here is the fact that this one really manages to do an impressive job during it's build-up to their arrival at the site as the first half of this one manages to get some enjoyable elements featured. The fact that the majority of this time is spent on the soldiers moving through the woods and finding the bunker comes off rather nicely in setting them up as professionals, slowly segueing into the more nominal horror elements with the discovery of the bunker and what it contains. Since it revels in the creepy atmospheric look and completely unknown contents buried within, this is all quite nicely realized and makes for a much creepier set-up than expected with the whole affair being much more chilling the longer that they remain inside trying to find the gold, which is exactly the way this scenario should play out as the slowly-built atmosphere makes for a nice set-up. It's all aided along nicely by the little creaks and moans heard throughout the bunker just off-camera, letting the creepiness get rather overwhelming before it turns into the raging zombie action/horror of the later half which changes the eeriness for a series of fun and highly enjoyable stalking scenes as they run wild in the compound attacking the soldiers inside the different rooms and hallways of the underground bunker which is full of graphic, bloody kills and creepy images showing them coming up from behind taking them out in grand style. Using the slasher elements in a zombie film of this caliber gives this the kind of enhanced suspense and atmosphere that's not normally featured in such a film, allowing for this to be creepy and action-packed at the same time, and really giving this exactly what's needed to raising this one up as there's a big difference to be found here. The film's main flaw is the fact that there's just such a long period of time before any kind of action occurs for as good as the setup is where it gets them to the bunker and what happens there, this one still has quite a ways to go before it gets to the actual zombies attacking. Getting into the different means about the group finding the leftover relics and the different equipment for their trip and it simply holds all the zombie action into the back-half of the film. That is quite fun, but it's simply hard to ignore how slow it is to get going. Otherwise, this one was quite fun and enjoyable.Rated R: Extreme Graphic Language, Graphic Violence and mild drug use.
Connor I first bought this as it was a pound in a DVD store.Went home and put this in and expected something ridiculous i can watch for a laugh, something akin to Romero's Land of the Dead.I started watching this and as it progressed i couldn't help get dragged in and start rooting for the characters.It felt a bit rushed and with a few scenes of Over-acting. but they make up for it in Action and gore!The ending set up the next film nicely as well, but i won't ruin it for anyone.if you watch this i would definitely recommend watching the next 2, even though 2 is a bit off beat.
atinder Before I start talking about this movie I did see Dead Snow about this time last year, I just Saw this movie few hours ago. I was thinking they were going to have the same kinda of plot but they didn't.Now back this movie Set in war-torn Eastern Europe, a band of battle- worn mercenaries undertake a dangerous mission into a no-man's land at the behest of a mysterious businessman. When they locate and secure a disused military bunker, they also discover a terrifying secret that has laid buried for half a century--and which they'll have to fight to survive. Outpost has more of a story, more suspense, and some really good acting but a not lot of Ghost/Zombie action in this movie.Talking about Ghost/Zombies were creepy at the start of the movie, when they come and go out of blue but we don't get see the face until half away into the movie, i think the make up effect was really good.The ending was really disappointing did not like how this movie ended at all. I saw few good review for this on horror site, I thought this movie would have been much better then it was!5 out of 10