How sad is this?
As Good As It Gets
Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Avoid the naysayers on the reviews. Enjoy it for what it is. Fun, realistic and an easy to watch interaction of a widower, a nanny and two kids who missed their deceased mom.
Jack Vasen
I tagged this as having possible spoilers, but I don't think I said anything you wouldn't expect on your own.This isn't quite your usual Hallmark nanny movie where the kids declare all out war on the new nanny.Ashley Williams, plays a totally upbeat Poppy who seems to find positive in everything and also can turn almost anything into a life-learning experience. Even when things aren't going so well, she can laugh and move on. Part of this is a little childishness, but I think life loving is a better description of her than childish.Even her rival is not mean in this movie and actually she is kind of nice.Of course this is supposed to be a romance between Poppy and Ryan, but much more than that it is a romance between Poppy and the kids. While that is true to some degree in most nanny movies, it is even more so here. If I were a single dad, I would find it very hard not to love someone who loves my kids so much and is so good for them.There are no huge surprises or plot twists in this movie, but I still enjoyed it so much, mostly because of the relationship between Poppy and the kids.
M Kap
You have seen this movie in other iterations for decades. What makes this one different is Ashley Williams, who shines in every scene. She is a delight to watch! The children she becomes a nanny for do better than fine in their roles, as does the father. The father has a gorgeous, brilliant, successful girlfriend - someone who's also good through and through - not someone the audience can dislike for any reason other than as a foil to our heroine, Ashley. While we know where this is going and where it'll end up, as a man I sure wish I had this father's problems, at least for awhile. While the women are in their 30s, they're both hoping to be with this father who doesn't appear to be anything special (that's his role though) other than having two wonderful children. Maybe it's his skill at keyboard clicking and gripping his smartphone that puts him up on a pedestal. He also has a huge Apple MacBook Pro on his desk, a 15-inch, and how many guys could afford that?One quandary in the script was money for services rendered. There is no discussion of salary for her nannying. There is also a scene where Ashley takes the children Halloween shopping with a seemingly unlimited budget, because shopping with no money is what makes people happy? She wasn't given a credit card by the father, nor is there any discussion about her being reimbursed for all the purchases she made, even though she is relatively low on money. A 10-second scene of dad handing her a card for emergencies should've been in the final edit.
I really love this movie. It's a nice movie to watch for a time of relaxing regardless of what it is. I happen to like watching them on a chilly, cloudy, and rainy day. Snuggled by my fireplace, there is no place I'd like to be. It's a nice pick me upper along with a feel good movie. I love this movie and the actor's they picked to play the parts. They all compliment one another along with helping the viewer feel like they can relate on some level with the movie. It was perfect for the amount chemistry and not over done. This is a nice movie that will help anyone be in a good mood. Great job Hallmark!Does anyone know where they did they filming and where the house is located? I love the landscape and the design of the house. I am also curious of the location where Poppy's sisters house is located as well.