I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Let's start with the kid. He is really unnecessary to the plot, what little there is. I mean it seems his only purpose was to hang onto a piece of evidence, which just as easily could have been found by Amy Madigan, thus sparing the audience this kid in a catatonic state throughout the film. I could also do without the General being involved, since his motivation is never explained. Why not just have a big nasty corporation cheating on the quality of their helicopters? I also could do without the numerous ridiculous moments, such as changing a tire in the middle of a car chase, simply so it could continue. What I wouldn't do without is Michael Ironside, since he is by far the best thing I noticed in "Nowhere to Run". - MERK
Steve Skafte
For all the countless cheap thrillers to come out of the 1980s (and I've probably seen a few too many myself), this film has some things that make it stand out. First of all, good acting. Amy Madigan is convincing, engaging, and doesn't embarrass herself. She's the main reason this film works. Second, the direction. Mario Azzopardi made a career out of B-movies, but he doesn't go too over the top. There's certain lapses in logic, but the staging of the scenes and overall structure really brings you in. Finally, the plot. For an action film, "Nowhere to Hide" is neither particularly overblown nor utterly non-plausible. Despite later events that feel a bit untrue, the set-up is believable. And that's what matters. I also enjoyed Vic Sarin's cinematography, full of deep, warm tones.It's the breathing space that matters in this film. The quiet scenes in a hotel room, or the long build-up centering around the Daniel Hugh Kelly character. Michael Ironside adds a certain touch to the third act the grounds the story in a way few action flicks are even concerned with. It's not as if "Nowhere to Run" is a masterpiece, but I think it qualifies for a much better position than it holds. It's almost unseen, and by those who've seen it, mostly forgotten. With countless action films of less than a tenth of this quality being constantly churned out, you could do worse than a film as compelling as this one.
John McCulloch
My one line summary of compelling was done tongue in cheek. The only compelling aspect of this movie was waiting for it to get better! Which it doesn't. Unfortunately this movie set low standards, then failed to achieve them. The concept is poor, the acting poor, the directing poor. Watch it at your peril.
I not only have seen this movie, I have seen it numerous times and I always think I'm going to have a heart attack or something even though I know what's going to happen. I think the other reviewer -- "anonymous from california" -- is jealous. The fact that a woman is the focus of this movie only enhances the thrills. Anyone who thinks stuff like this doesn't happen in the U.S. Defense Dept. is a moron. I have been collecting newspaper clippings about military helicopter crashes ever since I saw this movie and I file them with the video and I have 11 separate clippings now and I probably missed a few along the way. Military helicopters crash all the time killing their crews -- that's what makes this movie so damned compelling. I watch it and it seems like it's over almost before it began -- it's so fast-moving. And the cast is outstanding -- including the natural performance by the unaffected kid, which is a rarity in itself. Amy Madigan should have had an Oscar for this but it wasn't one of the Hollywood megabucks formula flicks, so of course she was overlooked. This is a perfect movie -- it will cause the hair on your arms to stand on end. It makes you want to jump up on the TV screen and do something. It moves so fast your heart will race. I recommend this to anyone who likes a completely realistic, well-made, outstandingly acted and directed action movie unlike any you have ever seen before or likely will see again. This movie deserves all the praise it received and more and should be on everyone's "must see" list. It is pure escapism of the highest order. Ten-plus-plus.Oh, and guess what? You can watch it with your kids or anybody else because this movie doesn't depend on artificial "shock" factors to grab your attention. All of the the thrills are authentic and there are few, if any, f-words, no nudity, and no gratuitous sex. Run, don't walk, to the video store. And for God's sake, watch it if it comes on Cable -- that's where I saw it first and taped it. If I hadn't, I'd be sick about it because I love watching it. It's as satisfying as a movie could be.(In Hollywood, if you can't write or lack imagination, throw in a few f-words for the juveniles and your fortune is made.)