This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
People are voting emotionally.
I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Mandeep Tyson
The acting in this movie is really good.
NINJA VS. NINJA is another Godfrey Ho-style cut and paste ninja movie of the 1980s which seems to have been put together from two or three different films. You get a handful of scenes with a black kid training in the woods to be a ninja and some brief ninja action but the bulk of the production is a Hong Kong crime film which has been dubbed and re-edited until it becomes nonsensical. Shaw Brothers star Norman Chu appears in these scenes and it's a pity to see him utilised in his way. NINJA VS. NINJA is a far cry too from the cheesy delights of Ho giddiness such as SCORPION THUNDERBOLT and NINJA TERMINATOR.
Some movies need to be made. Some movies are so awful, they serve as shining beacons to the rest of us, guiding us through the sea of bad movie-making and letting us know exactly what NOT to do. This is not one of those movies. This movie can serve no purpose other than (possibly) a fire starter. This movies existence is so pointless, if I were this movie I would throw myself in front of a municipal bus. Everyone involved in this movie should be arrested (with the exception of the black ninja, who was bad-ass). In summary: This movie Sucked. It made no sense, it was shot on film which looked like it had been put through a meat grinder, and the plot seemed to be hiding somewhere behind a dead girlfriend, videotape, and heroine addiction. Sweet Jesus... terrible film... my god...
Dnomyar OS
My best friend and i pride ourselves in watching the worst movies we can possible find. last night we were privy enough to come across ninja vs. ninja. we read the back of the case to see the plot summary and it said something about undercover ninja cops busting heroine addiction rings. we tried very very hard to put that plot together while watching the movie and we couldn't. it doesn't exist. the fight scenes are terribly choreographed and ninja will mysteriously grow arms and burrow underground at random points for no reason. the smoke effects look like there is some dude standing above them, pouring smoke on them. but the most memorable scene is what has been aptly named, "the beach party." for no damn reason, it goes to a scene where there are a lot of women playing cards, then one mysteriously dies, then ninjas appear and kill everyone else. all in all, i almost wet myself with laughter. if anyone wants to have a good laugh and lose some IQ at the same time, watch this movie.
John Seal
Compiled from footage shot for at least two and possibly three motion pictures, Ninja Vs. Ninja is a logic free melange of martial arts and cops n robbers footage. The film starts with sped up footage of an African-American (?) ninja going through the motions as bland disco music plays in the background. He then turns into a white ninja who faces off with an evil black ninja (who's actually a white guy). Cut to some other white guys chatting about some nefarious plot. Then cut to your standard issue HK actors in a crime film about a missing tape. The white and black ninja drop in and out of the other film--their footage is badly matched, needless to say--until the film's abrupt and extremely disappointing conclusion. Ninja Vs. Ninja was released on video by Ocean Shores Video, who kindly supplied the synopsis for yet another completely unrelated film on the clamshell box. Only for hardcore connoisseurs of extremely inept cinema.