Night Slaves

1970 "Morning Brings Denials of a Whole Town's Mysterious Night Journey"
5.9| 1h12m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 29 September 1970 Released
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Budget: 0
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A man and his wife stumble upon a town whose inhabitants turn into zombies and head for the edge of town every night... he seems to be the only one unaffected. What is happening to the townsfolk? Who is the mysterious young women he keeps seeing? Why isn't he affected?

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Night Slaves Audience Reviews

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Alex da Silva James Franciscus (Clay) gets a metal plate in his head after a car crash and takes a road trip vacation with his wife Lee Grant (Marjorie). They come across a sleepy town – literally. There are strange night-time goings-on that Franciscus observes and everyone seems to be affected except him. The whole town seems to go off somewhere every night and it is unstoppable. He tries. At the same time, a mystery woman Tisha Sterling (Nailil/Annie) appears to him and they fall in love. Who is she and can their love transcend whatever is going on? This is an enjoyable short film that zips along and has you questioning what will happen. You may well guess various elements of the story but it doesn't matter as it is an interesting story and everyone ends up with who they should. Leslie Nielsen also stars as the Sheriff of the town. Somehow, it stays with you after it has finished.
MartinHafer When the film begins, the Howards are involved in a serious car accident. Clay Howard (James Franciscus) is badly injured and required a steel plate in his head*. After his recovery, the couple go on a vacation--a road trip to unwind and relax after this incident. Their trip takes them to a strange little town where everything appears totally normal by day...but at night the townspeople become zombies and disappear on trucks bound for who knows where! When he tries to investigate, he finds a force field is in place and he cannot penetrate it. Apparently he's unaffected by whatever or whoever is controlling everyone due to his steel plate...but why? What is this all about and are these people, including Clay's wife, safe?!I liked this made for TV film because it was original and quite strange. The only apprehension I have is about the ending. I didn't mind it but it does leave the viewer a tad confused as to really what happened after all. I didn't mind this...some might. Still, it is a neat little film and I found a copy of it on YouTube....though, sadly, the print was pretty terrible. If you like other supernatural made for TV films such as "The Stranger Within" (with Barbara Eden), "Dont' Be Afraid of the Dark" (with Kim Darby) or "Crowhaven Farm" (with Hope Lange), then you will most likely enjoy "Night Slaves".*I did find it silly that the husband looked not only okay following getting a metal plate in his head but he was STILL the very handsome James Franciscus! No scars...nothing!
James Christopher Wierzbicki (filmbuff-31) I saw this movie again very recently for the first time in many years. It is not generally available for purchase. Anyone wishing to see it will have to search far and wide to locate a used copy, most likely recorded from television. The movie is little known and was probably never marketed for purchase.The movie itself is unremarkable, in terms of its story and presentation. In both story and presentation, "Night Slaves" is similar to other films of the science fiction/paranormal genre that marked this period. Films such as "The People" and "The Stranger Within" are siblings of "Night Slaves," stylistically speaking. All three films have the added distinction of being "made for TV" adaptations. "Night Slaves" is directed in a style that reminds me of sci-fi thrillers of the 1950s. Watching this movie, I am especially reminded of the classic "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." In keeping with the boundaries imposed by television, the direction of "Night Slaves" is characteristically low-key. Consequently, "Night Slaves" story and style never made and never will make an impact on the viewer."Night Slaves" impact on the viewer is primarily in terms of nostalgia. It was first seen by many viewers in their childhood or young adulthood and may very well transport them back to a time many of them remember fondly. A time when, in addition to the ordinary pleasures of childhood, talk of UFOs and aliens from outer space generated a sense of expectancy and adventure not only in the children but in the adults in the family as well. "Night Slaves" might also be worth viewing if you are a fan of one of the actors. Actors such as the underrated James Franciscus, the stalwart Lee Grant, and the lovely Tisha Sterling are here for viewers' entertainment."Night Slaves" is not a movie to shout praise about, but it will evoke often pleasant memories--even if they are corny--of an earlier era of life, when UFOs and beings from outer space caused quite a stir.
movieboy-12 I recently purchased this movie NIGHT SLAVES, but I received a copy, so my guess is that this was never released on video, which is a shame, because it is a fun film. Now, I didn't think the film was great, but it was entertaining and short. I could see some stupid producer making a boring mini-series out of this story, but luckily this film is short and never loses your attention. The plot is not perfect, and the acting is subtle. I would only recommend watching this movie if you are bored and want some entertainment, not if you're looking for a great movie to watch with some great actors and a "sounds-interesting" plot. SUMMARY: Clay Howard (Jim Franciscus) is in a horrible car crash, which kills another couple involved. Clay is put in the hospital, while his wife Marjorie (Lee Grant) and friend Matt (Scott Marlowe) plan to leave him and become lovers. A metal plate is inserted into Clay's head, he leaves the hospital and takes a road trip with his wife. They stop in a small town for the rest of one day and evening. That night Clay wakes up from his slumber to discover the entire town loading into one truck and vacating the town, his wife included. He meets Naillil/Annie (Tisha Sterling) who tells him she's to make sure he doesn't escape. The next morning Clay wakes up to find his wife in bed, sleeping and everything back to normal. Was it a dream, or is he really going crazy? Clay decides to stay in town a few more days and figure out what really is going on.This is a great made for TV film. I suggest you check it out if the chance arises. The setting is creepy in the old town. The ending is no big surprise. A recommendation for this film would definitely be: THE STEPFORD WIVES. ** 1/2 STARS and 7/10.