Horst in Translation ([email protected])
"Pooh's Super Sleuth Christmas Movie" is a 44-minute animated short film from 2007, which means it will have its 10th anniversary next year. The director is Don MacKinnon and the title already gives away that this is a more recent Winnie Pooh movie made for the holidays almost a decade ago. However, people who love the old Pooh films will not really appreciate this one here as the animation and style are so different compared to the vintage/retro approach. It does look more modern, but I am not so sure if this is a good idea in this scenario. Anyway, the story is so-so. It is very reindeer-focused and Santa also shows up once or twice. The plot and "comedy" really felt just like something for very young audiences to me. I am usually off the opinion that grown-ups can easily appreciate animated films too, but here it's a different story I think. Also the good thing for young audiences is that maybe they aren't biased if they have not seen the old Pooh films. As for the cast, there are some known names in here, more than usual actually as Chloë Grace Moretz is on board just like the recently very successful Jeffrey Tambor. And of course, Tara Strong is on board as almost always. As a whole, I don't think it's a failure, but there is nothing really that appealing in this film, sadly also not the story. Watch something else instead.