In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Jonah Abbott
There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Kirandeep Yoder
The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
This movie had so much potential for gore fans but the story itself was not thought out very well....the acting is bad and the editing is even WORSE.....the sequence of events is IMPOSSIBLE to figure seems as though all of the scenes were just thrown together at of the worst made movies i've ever minute its day time....then its night...then day never can tell which day or night you are watching.....if it wasn't for the shock value, i would not own this would take too long to type out all the stupidity in this movie...but at least it does have "controversy" going for it..and the director's cut is rare,so......
Having searched for this movie for well over 6 hours, I finally found it nestled amongst the annals of many of the world's most reviled films. Reading the description, and how the film was banned in multiple countries and was deemed an "atrocity of human decency", I knew this was exactly the type of movie I wanted to watch. Once it started, I quickly realized that it wasn't the content of the film that made it disturbing, but the fact that someone actually got it financed. The acting was embarrassingly bad, the dialog even worse, and nothing about this film left any kind of impression on me, least of all fear. It did have great special effects, and the blood was extremely realistic, but when that is the only redeemable quality of the film, you know you have hit a dead end in cinema. This movie is one of those films that deserves to be banned because of how horrible in quality it is; it was written & directed by people whose sole purpose was to shock and disturb, and still managed to f$%k that up. Do yourself the favor and watch some French Extreme horror and forget this trash was made. There are plenty of movies out there that are infinitely more deserving of your valuable time.
Snaggletooth .
I finally got an uncut copy of MSP and man, what a let down. With all that notoriety I kinda expected something way more extreme than this. Maybe back in 2004 things were different, but given that it came out the same year as SAW it's no more gory than that. I'm not going to attack the acting (like many have) as a lot of it's actually OK. The plot is as daft as a brush however with some crazy German, Nazi loving, woman hater, basically luring women to his dungeon, having violent sex with them, then killing them. But funnily enough, the actual kills are barely ever shown - and this is considered a brutal gore filled flick? Nope, it just isn't. The sex scenes are pretty rampant however so maybe that's where the bannings came from, but apart from a chainsaw scene near the end, a nail through a hand, and the stabbing of a child, it really isn't that shocking. Certainly not as much as it's made out to be anyway. I didn't totally dislike it as I've seen much worse in terms of dire horror movies, and I liked the rock track played over the end credits, so I think 5 outta 10 is fair.
Nitzan Havoc
Oh. My. God.Blood. Gore. Violence. Brutality. Sadism. Pain. Torture. Humiliation. And of course, sex.I don't even know where to begin or how to remotely address the 90 minutes I've just gone through. The two dominating scene types in this film are naked women with big breasts being brutally raped, and naked women with big breasts getting cut/beaten/choked to death. This film has more blood in it than the entire population of America. And as if that isn't enough - the sadistic psychotic misogynistic killer is also a Nazi. I'm shocked and appalled. Mission accomplished, Palumbo, you sick twisted f***.I'll attempt a little objectivity for the sake of a well written review, but forgive me if I fail, as I have no motivation what so ever to succeed.I guess that in a way you could say this was "hipster horror" showing a very very sick way of "art", De-Sade style. I guess showing us all these terrible horrible revolting scenes of blood, rape and slaughter was maybe an innovative way of depicting the sick sadistic mind of a sick sadistic man. Many many films tried to make an audience understand the sickness of the truly sadistically insane. This film aced it, and not in a good way (is there a good way for such a thing?)I've read many complaints about plot holes - I didn't actually notice them, I actually thought the story was told in a good way, in a "by the way" kind of manner through the murders and events in the killer's everyday life.As for acting - I can't really judge based on such a film, but the female characters did scream and "suffer" in a very convincing way (except for the little girl who was very unconvincing and amateur, especially in the final 10 minutes.Everything about this movie was sick and sickening. I don't know if this fact makes this film worthy of a 10 or a 1, as I'm not sure what scale to use with such a film. Settle for a 5, as I am more shaken up now then I've ever been after a Horror film. Heck, I didn't want to watch Hostel on account the "troubling" scenes, but now? It would be like Disney. All I can say is this: if you watch this film and truly have a good time - there's something horribly wrong with you.