Simply A Masterpiece
Just what I expected
Casey Duggan
It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Jonah Abbott
There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Thomas W. Muther, Jr. (twm-2)
I happened to catch this little gem at the 2014 Sarasota Film Festival today and was blown away. The story--based on the historical fact that in 2009, the eponymous Miss Todd became the first female aeronautical engineer and pilot, was simply but thrillingly, inspiringly told--though the real treat was the means by which this tale was given life. The characters were watercolor-on-paper cut-outs, given life by means of stop motion animation. These cut-outs were photographed amid both 3-D scale models and other watercolors. It was beautifully, artfully done-- managing to capture both the feel of the period in which these events took place and the nuanced emotions of the heroine. This would be a terrific bonbon by which the developing minds of children might be inspired. But I should think most adults would warm to this creative concoction as well. This adult certainly did.