To me, this movie is perfection.
Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Having read the redundant Allen references I must say I didn't have any while watching Miami Rhapsody.Ruth Gordon's name sprang to mind, though. She wrote many of the exceptional lines for women such as Katherine Hepburn. And spoke them in Harold and Maude (an absolutely brilliant and unique movie.) The wonderfully witty lines by all participants in this movie are highly clever and extremely well delivered. No particular fan of SJP lately, in this she was excellent! Beautiful, witty, funny and insightful! The epitome of what every woman is (when not pretending otherwise.) I love this little gem. And regret that others don't see its true worth.Today's movies are based on such different expectations, never realized and all made for those with lowered realities.
Thin, but enjoyable romp involving a young, unmarried Jewish woman and her married family and friends--all of whom seem to be miserable and cheating on each other. Ersatz Woody Allen, as it aspires to be, but not quite on the level of, say, "Hannah and Her Sisters". Odd to see Mia Farrow here (playing Sarah Jessica Parker's mother), as this is basically a retread of the work she was doing with Allen earlier in the decade. Parker is infectious, rattling off the sometimes-precious lines with professional aplomb, supporting cast is quite colorful, yet this tale doesn't have much of a point, and as a film it has no motivation beyond aping Allen. **1/2 from ****
As a big fan of Sex and the City and Sarah Jessica in general, I have decided to try and watch as many Sarah Jessica films as I can. This is a fun film but definitely not as funny as LA Story. Sarah looks great, and I noticed in the credits that Patricia Field who dresses the Sex and the City gals is the costumer on this film as well. I liked the Woody Allen-style story. It makes my own life seem more normal as we can really get into to the actors crazy thoughts and worries. My favorite character in the film is Antonio. His interactions with the ladies were hilarious!
Hmmm...Sometimes I watch this movie with the mute on. I just enjoy seeing all the scenes from my former hometown. I have to say that Kevin Pollack gives an absolutely fantastic performance as the philandering heartless husband. However, his paring with the mythically-sized Naomi Campbell is about as unlikely as a marriage between Howard Stern and Dr. Laura.Watch it if there's nothing else on...especially if you live up North and it's winter. Seeing palm trees and sun, even on TV, can greatly reducing the symptons associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Don't forget the mute button!