Let's be realistic.
It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Maleeha Vincent
It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
This is surely one of the worst films ever made, the 10 star reviews citing excellent special effects and great suspense must be from cast and crew members, they have to be.
This film is hard to get through, awful effects, bits of rubber dripping with petroleum jelly, stop motion so bad it makes some kids programs look good, the worst acting you'll ever see in a movie, it's beyond bad, some of the lines of dialogue and the delivery is on par with Troll 2. It really is an awful film, I borrowed this from a friend who told me how bad it was, so I thought I'd see for myself, hoping it was one of those so bad it's good flicks. Nope, it's just so bad it's really bad and I felt ripped off despite the fact I watched it for free.Stay away from this dud, it has to be one of the worst films I've ever sat through.
Tom van der Esch
I've been looking for AGES to get my hands on this film. Why would I go through the trouble, you ask? I loved it's prequel, the Deadly Spawn for it's creative monster, gore and wise-crack humor.Metamorphosis: the alien factor has all that and more. It's a silly and predictable B-movie about a man getting bitten by an alien creature. He slowly transforms into a hideous monster. And once he breaks loose, it's best to just run. Run like the wind! The acting is okay, at some points maybe a bit woody. But there's several stereotypes in this movie and they are played fine enough. It's not Shakespeare, but you don't need that quality in a movie like this.I really liked the creative monster designs and special effects. Sure it seems corny or cheap at times, but that's the kind of gore I liked in the Deadly Spawn. So if you are a fan of cheap gore, check this one out.Recommended for fans of the Deadly Spawn and similar movies.Not a masterpiece, but still enjoyable. 6 out of 10 stars!
Oh my lord, I can't believe the rating system here only goes as low as 1 star. I was hoping to give this ridiculous pile of trash a heavy minus but I guess thats life. Where to start? Well, this was originally supposed to be a sequel to the 1983 low budget classic 'The deadly spawn' which for the meagre budget was an exceptional advertisement on how to make a horror movie with a few pennies. Deadly spawn had decent acing (for a bunch of nobodies) good direction a decent if slightly simple plot and a brilliantly put together monster, not to mention bucket loads of gore. This supposed 'sequel' is amazing, it has none of that. The acting is excruciatingly poor, (I've done better acting trying to bunk a day off of work and failed) the script is unbelievably bad to the point of ridiculam and the rubber 'hand puppet' monster and childlike stop motion effects provide more cringes at how poor they are than scares. There's some blob monster that honestly looks as if it is being pushed around on a stick, I mean, c'mon. I can't say I have ever seen a horror movie quite this bad and I consider myself a fairly tolerant person. Some films are so poor that they become laughably enjoyable or mildly entertaining and then there's this, which is just downright painful. The thing that makes it worse is that the film had a budget of near $3m almost ten times that of its predecessor. and yet despite being made 7 years on (when effects have supposed to have improved) 'The deadly spawn' makes this film look like a college exam entry. If you want to live a happy and fulfilling life, then avoid this at all costs, however, if you decide to watch it someday, please purchase a pack of razor blades to accompany the viewing. Trust me, you'll thank me for them.
Please allow me to present to you: dumb and redundant Alien/ The Thing clone number 5.276…All the elements that fill you up with irritation and annoyance are cheerfully presented. The scientist of a lab gets bitten by alien tissue and undergoes a transformation. Guess what…soon he's loose in the facility and on a killing spree. The children of a random, unimportant victim (the night guard) perpetrate the science lab and avenge their father! Oh, how interesting and fascinating…NOT! The cast is filled with lousy amateur-actors and the special effects are atrocious! This film was made in 1993 and the `horrible' creatures featuring here still look like typical 80's cheese. And can you dig the presentation of the makers of this? It's like the 10 millionth rip-off of `The Thing' but monsters seem explode out of chests like they invented it! Because it's so dumb, the film quickly becomes unintentionally funny. You can't hide chuckling when you see another stupid character running straight into the creature's mouth or. …simply hearing the entire screenplay, which is as dumb as they come. Example:
`We believe this tissue is alien' `Alien? You mean from another planet?' `Yes, doctor' Oh my God! Is it possible to write a line more stupid like this? The characters are perfect stereotypes and endlessly boring. The typical `fat & fun scientist guy'-type is there (these are usually killed violently) and the cute blond girl turns out to be a Princeton math-queen. Her boyfriend seems to have escaped the of the `Revenge of the Nerds'-cast. The rebellious teenage daughter didn't look too that much like a rebel, neither. Movies like this are a waste of good money (both yours as the producers') and they're destined to go straight to the lowest shelf in unpopular video stores. It is there where idiotic people like me pick it up… It could be worse, though. I used to be in contact with someone who regarded this as the `greatest horror movie ever made'…Now this kid has got serious issues. Hunt down a copy and burn it…just for the fun of it.