How sad is this?
Best movie ever!
Absolutely brilliant
The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
To me 'Messiah' was a great and near blameless show in which the first two seasons were particularly strong, and should have lasted longer than it did.It got off to a great start in the first series, which set the tone for the show brilliantly with a taut and dark atmosphere, always engrossing storytelling, great acting and production values, intelligent scripting, very disturbing and inventive murders if not for the faint-hearted and a genuinely surprising final reveal (if slightly let down by a slightly implausible and not-as-developed-as-it-could-have-been motivation).'Messiah 2: Vengeance is Mine' is every bit as good and quality-wise it is about equal. It is stylishly and beautifully filmed with a lot of atmosphere, while the locations are also used to great effect. The music is suitably ominous while never being too obvious. A great job is done with the directing, always tight and resolutely moody and nothing is rushed or plodding.Both parts of "Vengeance is Mine" are tautly and intelligently written, with an always natural flow and the mystery is always kept alive and fresh. The story here is darker and just as disturbing as before, with a great ominous atmosphere and plenty of surprising twists and turns while taking time to develop it enough to stop it from falling into incoherence. Susan's deafness also gives it some welcome heart too. The deaths are shocking and imaginative, if not quite as gory as in the first series (then again, it doesn't get gorier than deaths based on the deaths, ones that are as brutal as you can possibly get, of the twelve disciples).The final solution was a surprise to me, though I know of people who felt they found out too early or found it too obvious, and the motive was a little better developed and easier to swallow than the first series, though the physical competence of the murderer and how they were able to carry out the murders has been brought into question and understandably. The characters continue to be interesting, and the acting continues to impress.Ken Stott is exceptional in the lead role, some of his best acting has been on this show. Neil Dudgeon also excels, don't think he has done better work than his acting in 'Messiah', Michelle Forbes is touching and Alun Armstrong is earth-shattering as a very totured character. Frances Grey's role is a bit limited, but she does much with it.Overall, wonderfully done second series to a great show and just as compelling as the first. 9/10 Bethany Cox
All in all it was very good. I have seen it twice and on the second time didn't recognise the killer till half and hour from the end..... My little criticism concerns the identification parade. When the parade is done behind darkened glass, there is no way it can be done unless the suspect is legally represented to insure fair play. They is absolutely no way that any legal representative would allow Melcalfe to accompany is deaf wife during the proceedings. He was in an ideal position to inform his wife of the suspects number. She should have been accompanied by a proper interpreter. Any evidence gained at the parade would have been a waste of time. The rules are that any officer involved in the investigation is not even allowed to be in the same building !!
I wondered about several things whilst watching this.1. How come two of the police officers held their ranks after the first film; Red Metcalfe had to confess to the hit-and-run accident which spawned the first killings and Neil Dudgeon's character had been suspended for revealing details of the investigation to the press. How come they hadn't been drummed out of the force?2. Vincent Regan's character here is an inspector, yet he is seen about 15 years earlier, as an inspector, when he could only just have been old enough to have joined the force! Even if he had joined early and risen to inspector very quickly, how come he is still an inspector after 15 years?3. How could a tiny woman like Emily Joyce have killed all those men in such a physically demanding manner?!4. Metcalfe is sometimes seen having to sign to his deaf wife, because she can't lipread, but sometimes just speaking to her, indicating that she can. Make your mind up!
Messiah 2 continued where the previous left off,the script and story were spot on with a plot equal to todays serial atrocities.ken stott again delivered the goods as our lead in a gruesome tale,with a stellar cast to help him (neil dudgeon especially)one can only hope the bbc have more planned.