Just perfect...
Great Film overall
Arianna Moses
Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Erica Derrick
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
wow.... this movie is bad although the special effects aren't too bad for a "B" grade film the acting is disastrous, Merlin practically shouts the script at you the whole time in some weird half English half Jamaican accent, in some parts he mumbles the script like his drunk which is hilarious, the " bad" guy looks like he just came off the centre piece of vogue and all the other character members well you really don't notice them much its like the breakfast club reunion but medi-evil style everything is predictable through the entire movie, and what makes it the number one don't watch for serious viewing vote goes to the killer butterflies at the start of all things carnivorous and nasty killer butterflies, enjoy if you dare.....
This is SO bad it's not even "kitch". The thing that seals the deal is the atrocious acting. who's worse Mordred, the knights or Merlin in this joke? I think Merlin wins for the worse acting ever!!! The others follow close behind. Who ever cast this film should render their salary back to the crew, because they did the best job I'm sure. Costume and Production design is pretty good. Oh!! The horses were great!! Really Sad. I mean the actor who plays Merlin has played in some pretty good shows and probably did well, I guess his terrible acting in THIS inferior piece of work could be blamed on the Director and Producers. I must add that I rarely write such bad reviews of film/TV because I feel everything is a work of labor & few people can pull off anything, but this is ridiculous, everything about this production is pathetic, not campy, but truly lame. I want to know WHO were the people making this?
This is definitely not the best "Merlin" movie ever made. Low budget it certainly is, but the movie is not terrible! James Callis is an English actor trying to replicate a Welsh accent and not very successfully. (I am Welsh so I am reasonably well qualified IMHO) Merlin would have probably been a Celtic Druid, and as the Celtic tribes occupied most of Britain and Europe until the Romans conquest, it is highly likely that most of the mythology which the Romans absorbed from the Greeks would have been incorporated into Celtic religion. They certainly absorbed several Roman gods into their daily religious practices. This would explain references to Medusa etc. I hope this explains some of the apparent plot anomalies. Getting back to the movie, I gave it 5 stars because it is watchable. It is what it is..... The sort of movie to watch if you don't want a complicated plot. I can understand US viewers having problems with the welsh accent!
I had to take the time to write a review of this movie, in the hope that it might save someone else who may be sucked into watching it. My clear advice here is to stay away from it - it's a dismal waste of time. I am someone who loves fantasy, who loves swords and sorcery, who loves Merlin and King Arthur, who should have loved this movie or at least found it enjoyable. I have no issues with low budget production or crude effects. I have imagination enough that stuff like that does not bother me at all. What I do have a problem with is bad writing and wooden, laughably bad acting. That is what killed this movie. The concept was fine, but the execution was terrible. I really felt like I was watching some terrible cosplay event among amateur roleplayers. Not recommended. Unless that's your thing.