I'll tell you why so serious
Absolutely Fantastic
True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
It's probably safe to say that the majority of moviegoers in America today cannot carefully outline the plot of Shakespeare's Macbeth (on which this film is based) and probably would wonder why the main characters start chattering on about guilt so often when murder is their business--and you know how agonized John Tuturrro can be when he wants to! The film can't decide whether to be a springboard from the play, a clever re-interpretation, or a mob film with some casual references. And in any case--who was their target audience?For those who know their bard, the fun of watching this is in the anticipation of familiar scenes or dialogue--gleeful when director Reilly decides to drag the drunken porter in after the murder of the King (read "mob boss" here), or disappointed when Lady L. doesn't go into "Out Damn Spot!!" although she is shown scrubbing her bathtub a la Mommie Dearest.If you know the plot well, its hard to get into this remake, which isn't quite ludicrous enough to be amusing (anybody remember Ruth Roman as Lady Macbeth in an earlier remake entitled Joe Macbeth?), but is impossible to look at objectively, and thus truly enjoy as a movie experience. I wouldn't say "fly, Fleance, fly! "but neither would I generally recommended this (in spite of a compelling cast and excellent pacing) except as a quirky and often stimulating comparison with the actual play.
I saw this movie for the first time last night on Encore. I missed the first few minutes of it but got into it quickly. To start, the cast in VERY impressive and each one, as I saw it, lived up to my expectations of what they would accomplish.Is this movie fast paced and full of excitement? I would have to say no, but if you filmed a movie version of "Macbeth", would it have you on the edge of your seat? Probably not and you might have a difficult time understanding just what the hell they were actually saying. Fantastic story, but you have to take your time with it, it not exactly an action drama is it? Some may feel its slow paced and flat. I could not disagree more vehemently. I found it well paced and with a cast like this one, who wants to rush anything? No, it's not everyone's cup of tea and some may compare it unfairly to "Richard the Third" with Ian McKellen (which was phenomenal AND in the original dialogue) but they're two very different movies. I'll just leave off by saying, if you have ANY interest in Shakespeare, give this a shot, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
The scene with the gypsies (witches) came as a complete surprise, very few viewers would appreciate a small detail that just blew my socks off. In that somewhat creepy scene, there was a song/music in the background. What made it especially haunting was that it was being sung in Romanian, and roughly translated into English the voice was saying, "Throw the dirt on top of me (implying he is in a grave) so that I no longer have to see the pain and sorrow..." Little details like this made the movie brilliant -- of course, you may have to be Romanian to appreciate it, but still....Some may say that the movie isn't 'Shakespearian' enough. But this adaptation was done very creatively and captures Shakespeare's themes quite well. It's even more interesting when you consider that Shakespeare himself borrowed and got creative with themes, symbolism, story lines, and characterizations from a much older literary source, that of the Bible. Consider Ahab and Jezebel, washing the blood off one's hands, the witches of Endor, divine judgment, all were incorporated in the story of Macbeth, and carry over into this film as well. This is a movie you can watch over and over again, and catch interesting new details each time.
This is definitely worth checking out if you enjoy the story of "Macbeth". The challenge of turning the characters into mobsters was met well. It was done creatively, and it follows all the main points without cheating. John Tuturro and Peter Boyle are good; everyone else is fine. If this was a completely original work, it would rate lower, but I think it is very good considering what they were trying to do, and that's why it is ultimately satisfying. The other comments posted by another viewer are undeservedly harsh. It's a bum wrap. Again, if you like "Macbeth", this is pretty cool. If you love iambic pentameter and period pieces, go rent Roman Polanski's version of "Macbeth", or something of Shakespeare's with Kenneth Brannagh.