Good concept, poorly executed.
As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Allison Davies
The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
If you like to see films that deal with a religious theme and the struggle that deal with good and evil, this will be the film for you. The story deals with two brothers who take completely different paths in their lives and one brother, Stone Alexander, (Michael York) who sells his soul to the devil and has great powers given to him by the prince of Darkness and has great powers to inflict great horrors to the entire world. and the other brother, David Alexander, (Michael Biehm) who has become the President of the United States and stands strong against evil and fights his brother Stone to the very end. There is plenty of horrors produced by Stone Alexander and you begin to wonder if evil will prevail and that the world is going to end in complete destruction and nothing to ever hope for. If you like this kind of film, this will be a film you will enjoy right to the very end.
We watched this movie in my Bible class this past week and I loved it! I thought it was awesome... a bit cheesy, but still! (lol)I thought the acting was great and the plot was even better! It is not %100 accurate to the Bible, but you get the main ideas and the main warning points.I think the movie shows how power can take over and literally take control of you. Power is one of Satan's most powerful tools. I thought the movie was easy to understand and interesting to watch. And now I am so interested in the end of the world that I am reading Revelations, which is a bit more confusing then the movie haha. AWESOME MOVIE- BUY IT OR RENT IT, WHATEVER YOU DO MAKE SURE YOU CHECK IT OUT!!
Although this movie had it's faults, I find it refreshing from other movies that are filled with bad language and nudity. I find it disturbing that so many of the people who have commented show such a loathing of anything that relates to God. They will find a way to criticize anything that has to do with religion. Yet, they will endure other films with no moral fabric at all without comment. I do hope that TBN will continue to make films -whether they are perfect or not. It's a decent film with decent special effects. The actors did a fine job also. There are a lot of Christians in the United States who will support these films. Another film that was maligned by several but was outstanding was Joshua. If you want a decent film with no nudity nor bad language, view it also.
This terrible mess of a movie plays like the wet dream of your average American christian fundamentalist. It is about two brothers, one who becomes head of the EU and UN (read Antichrist), the other who becomes president of the good ol' USA and plans to kick his brother's unholy arse (sorry I mean ass) back to hell. Along the way they happen to fall in love with the same woman who is a stunner when she's young, but ends up looking like Cecilia Bartoli as she grows older - well you know what they say about Italian girls and their mothers.For a film about the Devil and Armageddon, Megiddo is not in the least bit frightening (unlike The Omen, which quite literally put the fear of god into me). Michael York is more annoying than threatening as the wise-cracking Antichrist.What baffles me is how they were able to get a B-movie cast for this Z-grade turkey - I mean are Michael York and Michael Biehn so hard up for cash that they need to degrade themselves in a film like this? What's worse is that the production values are quite high so there are no crappy special effects to laugh at.It's not all bad news though. The incomparable Udo Kier plays the part of the Devil's right hand man (who else). R Lee Ermey is a hoot as the straight talking US president and brings back fond memories of his role as the drill sergeant in Full Metal Jacket.