Very well executed
everything you have heard about this movie is true.
I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Before viewing this film, remember that Peter Jackson made "Bad Taste" before moving on to bigger things. Having said that, this film has a lot going for it. From the opening scene, you can see with the thorough dialogue and interesting and sublime turns that director Karl Kempter has a LOT of talent. This film kept me interested ala watching a John Water's movie as in "what in the hell will happen next???"...now, i say give this man a budget and he will deliver! This film should and probably will go down as a cult classic, and I am anxious to see what else Kempter may have in store for us in the future...it blows "Bad Taste" out of the water in every aspect by the way.
This story takes place in some off road motel that just happens to be loaded with perverts.The characters are either rude as hell to downright strange. Example: A pimp that looks like a scarred up Elton John who enjoys making weird noises in a megaphone while he talks on his cell Phone. I almost spit my coffee out at first appearance.The dialog ranges from anywhere from very bad to downright laughable. Along the way some of them end up killing off others.If you can handle talk of sexual assault on women,guys in blond wigs,girls getting spanked,a guy puking in bathtub with plastic easter eggs floating in it(huh)? a business man banging a blow up doll (that part is quick but funny) etc. Then maybe this film is for you. I wouldn't doubt it if any high ratings on this film are from cast and or crew members themselves. As a horror movie it sucked and I'd give it a 1. As a piece of bizarre sexual comedy I'd give it a 4.5. Overall a 3.