Too much of everything
I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Mathilde the Guild
Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Tom Dooley
This was made by the Children's Film Foundation, an organisation that made films and serials for Saturday Morning Cinema clubs. I was lucky enough to be able to go to a few when I were a lad but never saw this and so it is great that it has been remastered and released.The plot is that a British scientist has built a rocket ship to go to Venus, but some people do their best to thwart the launch and what they find on Venus could be the end of civilisation as we know it – mwaaah!! To say any more could ruin the fun.Now this is eight episodes long and they have left in all the end of show teasers for the next instalment, that you would see when you would be slurping your Kia Ora multi glow Orange drink. It is all god clean fun too and they always had a bit of education in them that some may find naive given the passage of time. I feel it has retained its charm and warmth and was a real joy to watch.
This was an eight-part childrens serial, made by the Childrens Film Foundation in England. They made films specifically for Saturday Morning Cinema Clubs in the 50's,60's and 70's. As a result these films rarely turn up on t.v or video and sadly, remain mostly forgotten except by those who attended. This particular offering tells of two children who's father has built a rocket. Escaping from some sinister Men in Black (Complete with ray guns), they blast off into space only to land on Venus. From a rather neat first few episodes it becomes a bit of a tedious run around concerning the "Flash Gordon" style Venusians. The special effects are low-budget, but as good as any 50's B movie. The story is very simplistic, and with episode titles like "Lost in Space," and "The Thing in the Crater",it has enough charm to satisfy the nostalgics,