Very best movie i ever watch
best movie i've ever seen.
Admirable film.
Derry Herrera
Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
I have seen Maslin Beach a couple of times - both on free to air TV in Brisbane. I won't go into whether it is good, bad or otherwise as others have well and truly covered this.I will say that it is so Australian. Only in Australia can we have a film about relationships among people spending the day as naked as the day they were born, and to view it on free commercial television.I have a friend from the US who is constantly amazed at what we put on our free TV compared to her home country. Sex and the CIty and Huff are just too examples.Despite our Government trying to turn us into the 51st US State, it is good to know at least some things remain truly Aussie
This movie is great entertainment to watch with the wife or girlfriend. There are laughs galore and some very interesting little nudist stories going on here. The actresses are all very interesting and definitely worth watching in their natural beauty. Maslin beach life is full of diverse nudists and personality types. The Australian coast scenery is, simply, splendid to see. What a place to visit, to say the least, and one day it may become my hideaway. I really enjoy this movie and every time I watch it I enjoy it more. I would love to see more of these characters and I always wonder what became of them. Although the plot is somewhat soft, this movie is, of course, a great excuse to just sit back on the couch and enjoy the wonderful and famous Maslin beach with these wonderful nudists and their own personal stories.
I caught this movie the other night on free-to-air TV (that'll never happen in the USA!). I was absolutely enchanted by it, yet find it difficult to say quite why!It wasn't the nudity (yes, I DID notice it) - or perhaps it was the nudity, plus the fact that the actors weren't all "models". The cast pretty much covered the full spectrum of body shapes (and some other shapes!) and the appearance of naked-but-not-so-gorgeous people made the nudity ... unimportant, but unavoidable.This movie evoked memories of Armistead Maupin's "Tales of the City", not by its content but rather by its context. It just gets on with the job of telling stories. These aren't great stories; some aren't even interesting. They are all stories of sex and love, but "little" stories, like those that affect you and me. They are stories worthy of the telling and the audience is possibly richer - certainly no poorer - for having heard them.It's a charming movie, and yes - they are nearly all starkers!
If you are looking for the latest Hollywood blockbuster, don't watch this movie. If you are sick of the production line, "let's all make a movie like the last big thing" meat grinder, plastic, spoon fed dribble then this movie might just entertain you for 100 minutes. I'm not going to do the plot thing,Jox has already done that. What I would like to make note of is the refreshing "differentness" of the movie. I have seen nothing like this before. Overall the way the movie started looked like another B or C grade movie and by the time the main characters got to the beach it was like a totally new experience, refreshing and new with a distinctly Aussie feel to it, not one of the psuedo American wannabe pictures that most australians make.Having said this, I know this film won't appeal to everybody, but give it a try with an open mind, its different, innovative and doesn't pander to the norm. I hope Wayne Groom makes more movies, and that Bonnie - Jaye Lawrence continues to act, she is a refreshing change to the so called ideal woman that seems to be on all our screens at the moment, she is what I would describe as natural ... you don't see that much anymore.Just my 2 cents worth :)