I'll tell you why so serious
An Exercise In Nonsense
Casey Duggan
It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Nayan Gough
A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Manuer (2014) ** 1/2 (out of 4) A homeless man sits around drinking and puking all over himself from one day to the next. One day he drinks some fertilizer and sure enough it's causing him to crap all over everything. To his amazement flowers then begin to grow so he decides to take his crap everywhere.James Bell wrote, produced, directed as stars in this twenty-four minute short as the homeless man. You know, this film will probably appeal to about 0.000001% of the world's population so obviously this isn't going to be for everyone. Some films are made to win Oscars. Some are made for summer box office bucks. Some are made to make you cry or laugh. Movies like this are aimed more at the John Waters style and I mean the early Waters.MANUER was made to make those watching it be disgusted and on that level alone it works. I mean, the non-stop barfing and drooling is bad enough but then we get to the more graphic stuff dealing with the poop that goes flying everywhere. I thought Bell did a very good job with the material. Yeah, it's disgusting but not everything has to be nice and sweet. There's no question that the movie has an atmosphere unlike many other movies and it gets its job done.