Magic Mike

2012 "Work all day. Work it all night."
6.1| 1h50m| R| en| More Info
Released: 29 June 2012 Released
Producted By: Extension 765
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Mike, an experienced stripper, takes a younger performer called The Kid under his wing and schools him in the arts of partying, picking up women, and making easy money.


Drama, Comedy

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Steven Soderbergh

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Extension 765


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Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Amy-al-175-430593 Oh my word, this is among one of the WORST films I have ever seen! The lead actress has one expression throughout the film and she's a pretty terrible actress too. The scene on the island/beach where she's walking along the shore with Mike and "laughing" is just utter rubbish and not at all believable. To sum up, it's entirely rubbish and has absolutely no plot to it, just avoid it if you want to watch a decent film!
teninchhero We get introduced to a unknown world of male stripping, the business, the marketing & what's going on backstage. I got into this film with my girlfriend, thinking it was just hot guys rubbing faces with their groins. But very soon i started noticing depth. This movie isn't about the stripping; it's about the life of the strippers. it's about how a seemingly troubled young man gets involved in the business, and how to cope his new found life. It's about a guy who's already been in the business long enough to want to get out and how to cope with other realities. It's about love, friendship, drugs, anger, joy, fear. I think the movie catches some of the moments and emotions and makes them real. I don't believe in happy endings, i believe in realism, and on some levels this movie delivers just that.I'm rating this 8/10 for reasons above mentioned. Though I didn't like some parts om Channings acting nor the coldness of Alex Pettyfer, who would like a friend like that?
Jade Chan Wow - as I was watching the movie, I had the feeling of a miracle unfolding in front of my eyes. A movie about male sex workers that depicts the profession, the performers, the audience and relationships in a serious, respectful, realistic and non-judgmental way? Well written dialogues, quite original issues, an all-to realistic plot, good acting, a teenager that is actually as awkward and stupid as most teenagers are (despite being smoking hot)?A movie that actually avoids objectification, clichés, plot twists and lazy written endings?And a movie that includes incredible dancing, top notch stage performances, a bunch of incredibly hot guys, and doesn't leave me drooling (much) but rather in awe for the whole stripping business?Every single character, be they male or female, multi-dimensional, complex and well-written?Yes, such a gem does exist out there in the world. And it's Magik Mike. I'm so happy it exists, and it leaves me hoping for more movies of that intensity, depth and compassion. Kind of film that makes the world a bit brighter. Go see it!
Sam Cannon If there's one thing the trailers for this film got right, its that it's a film about male strippers. However, this film approaches a raunchy subject with a decent amount of class and restraint, which the trailers fail to imply.Magic Mike is a drama about the male strip scene. There's nothing much funny about what happens in the film, and it's driven by well written and well acted characters more than anything else. This isn't the male equivalent of a film like Showgirls, something that relishes in the exploitation of women, no. In fact, if the genders of Magic Mike were reversed, it would probably be heralded as a feminist masterpiece.The film is mainly about the friendship between Mike and Adam. Mike is a 30-something entrepreneur who wants to start a custom furniture business, and Adam is a 19 year old who doesn't know what to do with his life. They meet on a construction site, go to a nightclub, and Adam discovers that Mike is an incredibly talented stripper, and Adam discovers that he wants in, to the dismay of his older sister.From there comes quite a compelling character drama that goes through the highs and lows of the male stripper life, and it's compelling. Apparently, Channing Tatum (Mike) was a male stripper before he got into acting, and it shows in the beautifully filmed dance sequences. Magic Mike is essentially a well written, R-Rated Step Up film, and it's incredibly entertaining on that level.The main flaw this film has is basically how it was marketed. I can't really imagine how many straight women (and gay men) came to the film expecting some good old sexual exploitation, and instead got a lot of drama and conflict. It's good, but not what was expected. It's like ordering a hamburger and getting a taco, they're both delicious, and they both contain beef, but you'd still be a little annoyed that you didn't get what you asked for.Anyway, if you keep that in mind, you'll definitely enjoy this movie for what it is, a compelling character drama in a fairly unique setting.