Made in Britain

1982 "Trevor is an angry young man."
7.2| 1h16m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 25 February 1982 Released
Producted By: ITV Central
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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After being sent to a detention centre, a teenage skinhead clashes with the social workers who want to conform him to the status quo.


Drama, Crime, TV Movie

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Alan Clarke

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ITV Central


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Made in Britain Audience Reviews

Micitype Pretty Good
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Tim Kidner I've always admired and liked Tim Roth, believing him to be one of the U.K's finest acting exports. I found this DVD at a local CashConverters for 99p and it sat on my shelf for a year.Finally seeing it, it did not surprise me that within ten minutes, not only had skinhead Trevor (Roth) stolen a car but was also sniffing glue, with his room-mate from the open assessment detention centre that the Court had only just sent him to.I so wanted not for this to be a catalogue of 'let's be as nasty racist criminals as we possibly can' but couldn't see how it would not be. As a pertinent statement on Thatcher's Capitalist Britain it certainly hits hard, with Roth being very believable and natural, his facial configurations often being a whole act in themselves.The film does try and breakdown how the bright Trevor got to this stage in life, which to do in a credible way, is commendable. The 4:3 TV ratio, the natural lighting and '80s slightly dingy images suit the subject perfectly, having a near documentary feel. There's also a solid supporting cast of social workers, case workers etc that are familiar to British TV drama audiences.The strong dialogue with 'f' words aplenty seem natural and often used with anger and menace. Made In Britain will be many people's worst kind of nightmare viewing, but let them keep their cosy Sunday night gentle 'drama'. This is true drama, not cotton-wool wrapped in caramel gooey stuff that is far too prevalent. For those who want - and appreciate - a roller-coasting journey down Reality Street, then this is the real deal.
karl_consiglio Finally got to watch this movie. So true its worth watching even just to watch those expressions. We got a young and promising Tim Roth here playing Trevor the juvenile delinquent skin head. I watched it a second time before deciding to write this review. The first time I felt for the guy, I always felt somewhat that way for the underdog star that rebels against the straight ways of the society we live in. However watching it a second time i realized how annoying he is and how true it is that nobody was giving him any trouble whatsoever and that indeed he was always the one to bring it on himself. Everybody around him does nothing but try to help, OK he says he does not need any help, wants to be left in peace to do whatever he wants, but does that include having him allow others to live in peace? I love it towards the end he really loses it.
alfiebeaut Although the film was OK, I thought the ending wasn't very good. I get the whole 'stand-up for what you believe in' stuff but it doesn't tell you what happened after he got smacked in the private parts with a baton at the end. I mean, did he go to Borsal and clean up his act? I think I wasted a good 1hr 15mins watching it. I suppose I expected something similar to 'scum' or 'this is england' and it disappoints me to say the film let me down. It had no real ending at all and all it gives out is a message that racial slurs are bad and you should keep your opinions to yourself. Yes, the shock factors there but all in all, it was a great disappointment considering it had lots of good reviews.
BritishZombie While listing to Skinnyman's album: Council Estate Of Mind, I was curious of a angry young man swearing at cursing at everything.I bought the film since I'm also a fan of Tim Roth, and i'm very happy with my choice. Kick-a$$ film.Skinhead Trevor wonders around London, nicking cars, attacking Pakis and being a bit of a *ucker really. Glue sniffing has obviously made him go insane and you watch his last few days before inevitably going to prison.Pretty decent acting, and a great hooking plot. This is what started Tim's career.Overall: 8.2/10

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