Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
As Good As It Gets
Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Lachlan Coulson
This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
This film feel misunderstood. I thought it was a fun for a stoner movie like Grandma's Boy (2006). Come on now 4.5 is low like make it 5.6 or higher please? This movie is not perfect but still it's good. Yeah the acting is not very strong but I still enjoy this movie.Score: 8.5/10
Keegan Smith
Let me begin by stating that, despite the suggestions of the poorly animated talking blunt in the beginning of the movie (no, seriously), I was not high when I watched Mac and Devin Go to High School. Unfortunately, you would have to be stoned out of your mind to find anything in this movie even remotely funny, and so I sat through the most grueling and painful movie experience I've ever had the extreme displeasure to be subjected to.In plain terms, there is a very real possibility that this is the single worst movie ever made.But hey- I haven't seen every movie ever. There is a (small) chance someone managed to make something worse. I just doubt it. Every aspect is just so... stupid. The jokes would be funnier if you tried to make stupid jokes. The music is a sad attempt at a washed-up, has-been rapper to remain relevant.But by far the worst thing is the plot. Presumably, Snoop and Wiz payed a small fortune to a group of preteen boys who just discovered weed, curse words, and girls (in the same ten-minute span) to write the first draft, forced at gunpoint a single homeless man strung out on crack to edit it, and then gave it back to the preteens for the final script.Yes, this movie was low budget. But why? Could Snoop Dog, easily one of the most successful rappers of all time, not get a real producer? Hire someone with a tiny sliver of talent to do the effects? Hire an actor who could actually act? No. Because no self-respecting person would have anything to do with this movie. In an industry that would buy almost any script, no one would invest a nickel in this movie. It would be so much easier to just tie their career to a post and shoot it.If you like extremely stupid pot jokes, incredible headaches, vast stretches of mind-numbing boredom, and watching a 40-year-old man pretending to be a high school-er, knock yourself out. Also, please get out of the gene pool before you manage to make humanity even worse.But if you have even a tiny shred of self respect and/or an IQ over 7, please, just walk away. If you really, really just want to watch a terrible movie, go watch The Room. At least The Room is so awful it's funny.
Note: Not that it genuinely matters, but the follow contains spoilers for the entire film.Mac & Devin go to High School is a truly remarkable human achievement. Never before have I seen a collective group of human beings manage to take nearly half a million dollars and somehow transform that into some of the worst 75 minutes in cinematic history, looking cheaper and more amateur than many budgetless shorts I've seen on youtube. You'd also think that a film made by musicians wouldn't contain at least 7 royalty-free midi sound files populating the supposed "soundtrack", but it simply serves as testament to how absolutely little anybody working on this project gave a f***.Starring in the film are rappers Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa, Snoop Dogg playing himself, but essentially as a creepy 35 year old man still in high school, and Wiz Khalifa playing as a "stuck-up" nerd, suspiciously wearing a long sleeved, button down shirt for most of the film to hide his tattoos. Andy Milonakis also makes a cameo appearance as a wheelchair bound, fart sucking cripple, proving that it is actually physically possible for a human being to sink lower than rock bottom.The viewer is immediately greeted by a talking, time-traveling CGI joint from 1996, possibly once a banana on a stock model website, recolored white and given eyes and a mouth. He informs the viewer that it is near mandatory to watch this film while under the influence of marijuana, suggesting a parallel between seeing it uninebriated and watching a 3D film without the glasses. This should be the first warning sign to any rational human being to proceed no further, the fact that the writers are literally admitting that you have to be mentally stunted to appreciate the film's attempts at humor.I understand that this is a "stoner" film, as begrudgingly I am to acknowledge that as a genre, but even a film like Half Baked doesn't required one to forcibly drop their IQ to appreciate at least a portion of the film's humor."So what?" you might, suggest. "It is just a crappy stoner comedy. It isn't trying to act like anything more." and I would completely agree with this sentiment if the film wasn't such a bitter, morally reprehensible affair.A supportive girlfriend who dares suggest that she wishes for her Valedictorian boyfriend, the film's main character played by Khalifa, to attend Yale after finishing school is mocked as a "controlling b****". Snoop Dogg, on his 15th year of high school, manipulates the main character into consuming a cannabis brownie, transforms him into a lowlife hood, and decks him out in full body and face tattoos, (say goodbye to Ivy League or an actual job for that matter)and we are supposed to like and support both of these characters. Late in the film, Khalifa's girlfriend is shocked and dismayed at her Valedictorian boyfriend's new appearance and lifestyle (man, what a controlling b****) and in retaliation, our courageous protagonist cheats on her by having sex with a hooker.After both get arrested, I suddenly start to think "maybe the makers of this film aren't complete sociopaths at all. Maybe we'll see our protagonist realize his fall from grace and try to redeem himself." Nope. They both get out of jail and neither face any consequences for their actions. Khalifa graduates valedictorian, rapping a song instead of giving a speech, his girlfriend falls for him once again, and Snoop Dogg cheats on a math test, finally graduating from high school and banging a substitute teacher who for some reason spends the whole movie in revealing dresses= and heavy makeup.The film then returns to our CGI banana joint friend, who so eloquently enthralls the viewer with the film's thesis. "A lot of totally smart people smoke weed and it gives them inspiration and stuff. So it totally shouldn't be illegal, man," If this film is supposed to be exemplary of the intelligence level of the average marijuana user, I can only hope it stays illegal for a very, very long time.
Loik Alefsen
Listen, everybody saying this movie is bad... THAT'S COS IT'S A LOW BUDGET FILM! Y'all can't be talking bout special effects n sh*t, cos this movie was posted for FREE online. All Snoop & Wiz are doing is promoting Young & Wild & Free and weed smoking and having a laugh! If you think this movie is bad, you got no business watching this kind of movie, cos you don;t watch a weed movie then post bit*h ass comments like that. Some of ya obviously didn't put their ganja goggles on! It's free entertainment, so stop complaining. If you can;t appreciate that then you srsly need to chillanyway, it wasn't a bad movie! good plot + good acting