People are voting emotionally.
Highly Overrated But Still Good
This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
First of all I have to say that LYING IN WAIT is NOT the worst Rutger Hauer-movie ever (I haven't seen them all, so I'm not sure, but for the moment I'd say THE LAW OF THE DESERT has got to be the worst). I also must say that the best thing that happened while watching LYING IN WAIT, was that I lost interest in the movie halfway through it. By doing so, I completely did not see the twist in the end coming. So the movie got me there. An extra point for that.The plot is a hit and miss one, becoming slow and boring in the mid-section. Babee Gordon (can you believe the stupid name?) is a young man living in the house of his deceased mother. His only occupations are his paintings and spending time with his friend El, a girl who likes him more than a little bit. Keith and Vera Miller arrive and become Babee's new neighbours. They invite him and El to dinner. A lot of seductive talking is being done, but nothing happens. When Babee gets invited a second time, however, things go wrong...Virginia Madsen and Rutger Hauer succeed more or less in saving this film. Hauer's part in this movie is odd, to say the least. Due to a car crash he spends most of the movie (and I quote) in a "persistent vegetative state" (!?) Now is that an acknowledged medical term?? Wathever. Now you can also see Hauer play the accordion AND wearing a red helmet (though not at the same time). Those are two of my favorite props used by mr. Hauer and it's a mind-boggling experience seeing him associated with them (for a full list, check out Gravyshanks comment "Props for Rutger Hauer", however he forgot to mention Hauer caressing boobies and spanking buttocks). Anyway, an extra point for Hauer going at it with the props.Then there are also two scenes which you just have to see. One is a one-minute-long David Lynch-type of scene which will make you go "What the f#@k!?!". It involves Babee entering a room containing some mental-patients, including a skinny mutant-midget with a high-pitched voice. The other scene has Virginia Madsen performing a singing/dancing/stripping-act on a beach for Babee. In my opinion her act is not very erotic, but rather embarrassing. Although she does not go all the way, we do get a good glimpse at what she's offering... So add another two points for those scenes.So that makes 4 out of 10 points for LYING IN WAIT and 4 damned good reasons for you to watch this movie.
While it is surely not for every taste, I highly recommend "Lying in Wait" to anyone who enjoys an off-beat thriller, with a talented cast and some surprising plot twists. Fans of Virginia Madsen will relish her fine performance here, another in her gallery of memorable femmes fatales ("Gotham," "Hot Spot," et al). Miss Madsen's seductive dance at the beach, with thundering surf as a backdrop, is one of those transcendent moments she often delivers -- even in her more mediocre films.But "Lying in Wait" is not a mediocre film. On the contrary, it is more art film than conventional thriller. The young neighbors (wonderfully portrayed by Vanessa Dorman and Thomas Newton) intrigue us with their innocent eccentricity. The story unfolds in dream-like fashion. It demands of us a "willing suspension of disbelief," but what psychological thriller does not?Finally, those who complain about murky photography are missing the point. "Lying in Wait" is best viewed as a waking dream and we must not expect to see everything clearly when we are dreaming. I believe the director and cinematographer were quite deliberate in taking this heavily stylized approach. (You can find this same kind of high-contrast photography and lighting in the film noir classics of the 1940s; the only difference being that most of those were shot in b&w.)
I read this page before watching the movie so I expected a pretty bad movie. Now I can say that is not true. The story doesn't make much sense and the ending is far fetched, but it's very amusing. Hauer plays a excellent role, a psycho who uses Babee Gordon as a hand puppet. You can see Hauer really enjoys his role and he shows he can do better then the roles he usually gets (offered). Without Hauer this movie would be just another B thriller, perhaps a even a C thriller. Madsen shows she isn't only a nice woman to look at but she can also act. Thomas Newton is okay but the real fireworks come from Hauer..
Where do I start??? Horrible direction. Bad acting. Bad writing. Oh yeah, did I mention the directing was awful?This could have been a decent thriller had it a tiny smidgen of subtlety and taste in how it was delivered. As it stands, it's just another waste of an hour and a half.Avoid this like the plague!!!