The Worst Film Ever
Lucia Ayala
It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Mathilde the Guild
Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
The Plot.Cathys mother killed her father and tried to kill her when she was ten. Her younger brother, a priest, holds her responsible. Fifteen years later Bob manipulates a clingy, drippy Cathy into falling in love with him. He lures her back to the apartment building of her youth for a so- called work party. There, he and his business partner Monica and a few of their oddly pathetic friends hold Cathy hostage for a few hours before forcing her off the side of the building roof. She becomes one of them, a 'lurker'. The building is supposed to be 'hell' and everyone born there is evil and is brought back there to die. Cathy becomes one of the lurkers who floats around town warning other people who the baddies try to get back to the building - Bobs new girlfriend and Cathy's priest brother including.This was supposedly filmed in Washington Heights, NY. A bunch of scenes are from Lincoln Center, however and many of the interior apartment shots don't resemble anything from Washington Heights.It's really poorly directed lending support to my theory that women cannot direct. The story is fragmented and boring. This is supposed to be a cult movie but it has none of the kewl quirky exposition that real cult movies contain.Given the director's past foray into porn, i suspect this movie had some mob money in it.There's really nothing redeeming about this film. The acting is abysmal and the plot is not remotely interesting. Plus it's hard to follow.
New Yorker Cathy is haunted by visions of her murderous mother and a mysterious little girl. Good thing she has photographer Bob as an anchor. But for how long, given her horrific delusions. The logic of this horror flick appears to be that if a spoonful is good, then a truck full has to be better. But it's not. The piling on of scenes, themes, and effects soon gets tedious. That is, how many kissy-faces do we need to show that Cathy loves Bob, or that Cathy is full of delusions if that they be, or that darkness can be dangerous. Too bad, because the basic idea of a hell-house has potential. With a tighter script and more strategic use of effects, there's a good movie core lurking within. As it is, the producers appear unable to deal effectively with structure, and that includes color photography for its own sake. Now, I'm not up on post-70's horror films. But if you want to check out how similar material can be effectively done, check out Val Lewton's 1943 classic The Seventh Victim. That tight little B-film also shows why audience imagination is horror's most powerful source. And that's especially important given today's overpowering appeal of special effects.
"Lurkers" was one of the last movies the Crown-International studio released to theaters. In several aspects, it's one of their strangest. Although the movie was made in the late 1980s, if you didn't know that beforehand, you would probably swear that it was made in the early 1970s, with its drab and murky cinematography, substandard sound, and an overall cheapness that means there is very little horror material like blood, gore, or creature effects. It's trying to be a psychological horror like those found in the 1970s, but the screenplay is very incoherent, from the heroine's vague relationship with her brother to the unexplained fact as to just who killed her mother when she was just a child. The whole movie plays like something Troma at the time would have picked up instead of a distributor of a more ambitious nature.
This is a terrible horror film, that's very boring, and uninteresting. The acting is terrible, and i never really rooted for anyone, plus nothing happens until the last 15 to 20 minutes, and it's too talky with lots of extremely boring dialog. The twist near the end, is predictable, and dumb, and i was just thankful when this movie ended. It did have a couple of cool flashback moments, and Christine Moore is easy on the eyes, however, I was struggling to pay attention, since nothing happens!.I got this on a 8 horror movie 2 disc set. The Direction is terrible. Roberta Findlay, does a terrible job it's very bland,and the pace is awful!. There is a tiny bit of gore. We get a few bloody stabbings, and a decapitation. The Acting is extremely bad. Christine Moore, does good with the lousy script, however she had her off moments, still i liked her, plus she's gorgeous!,but her chemistry with, Gary Warner is off. Gary Warner, is terrible he over acts, and got on my nerves,and had no chemistry with Christine Moore what so ever. Overall AVOID! * out of 5