Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Bea Swanson
This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
I rented this movie knowing it could have been real bad or real good ... and I tend to lean towards the "real good" side right now ... so it's thumbs up.. but no waaaaay up !! ....It's not the greatest erotic thriller in the world of course but what you have here is a twisted tale of murder, sex, jealousy ... that is rather effective ... in part !!I liked it also how the movie keeps you guessing the whole time wondering who is the real killer ... all the main characters could have been the one... although I guessed who it REALLY was at the halfway point myself ... oops ! .. Well, I had doubts later if I had made the right "prediction" ... so this one is better than the usual sexploitation film noir of the month... I was reminded of Basic instinct (1991 ?) and Bound (1996) (among others !) while watching this one and even though "Listen" is not at the level of those other 2 movies it is still a fairly enjoyable one ... my guess is you'll like it if you pay attention to all the little details and enjoy a few twists and turns along the way ...Wild things (1998) also appears to have been an "influence" here ... 3.5/5 for "Listen" ... ;o)
This movie was.... confusing. Everyone here is a step away from being a serial killer, and the movie itself is confused as to where it is going. Is it a low budget sexploitation film or a really twisted murder film. Despite the above average acting, the plot was too confusing to care about after the film reached the halfway point. It was like the director kept trying to bring you to the climax of the film with the discovery of each person's darkest secret and you just get strung out and p****d when they keep putting you off. It might appeal to other people who could follow all the details, but the movie was just too busy for me to enjoy it. I'm the guy who still likes Scooby Doo. 5.5 out of 10
Hermit C-2
Why should I feel a little guilty for liking 'Listen' so much? Because it has telephone voyeurism, lots of sex and an obsessive lesbian? Those things work to its advantage. This movie has all the stuff that a fan of the late-night cable channel thrillers goes for, including a complicated plot and a finger pointed at everybody.Brooke Langton and Sarah G. Buxton are likable (and watchable) in this movie, at least in my book. Veteran Andy Romano adds some seasoning as one of the police detectives (there's always police detectives in these flicks, right?) and some of the younger actors like Gordon Currie, Joel Wyner and Evan Taylor do good jobs also.
David B-2
Quite the most boring nonsense I have seen in a long time. The plot was full of irrelevance, and the acting was the worst I have seen in a long time.To make it worse, camera angles that made me feel sick were used , the incidental music was terrible and drowned out the dialogue (maybe not a bad thing then), and the shots of San Francisco looked as if they had been stolen straight out of the city tourist board's promotional video.Oh, and the obligatory sex scene was not even half well done. Better lighting next time, please.