best movie i've ever seen.
Best movie ever!
Frances Chung
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
I knew when I picked up the box that it would be a pretty bad movie. Still, I wanted to see Shannon Lee and the movie having Michael Dorn in it looked like it could be a sleeper. It wasn't...Shannon Lee and Michael Dorn did a good job with what they were given. The rest of the movie was pretty bad. I won't repeat what has already been said by others. They put it pretty well.I can see why the actors made the movie. It's easy for me to imagine reading the script and thinking that it had the potential to be better than it turned out to be. Too bad...If you like Shannon Lee, you may not be too disappointed with this movie. I'm glad that I picked it up, but wouldn't watch it again.
Andrew Hernandez
It was easy for me to think that a movie I've never heard of starring Shannon Lee with action choreography by Koichi Sakamoto would be cool. I wasn't expecting much. I was fine with an awful plot as long as the action was cool. But this IS a very bad film. It is extrmely slow moving, and there wasn't much reason to like Richard Vitalli who turned out ot be the star instead of Shannon. He is a very stupid character in this movie. It's amazing to see how he drastically changes through the course of the film. I realize it was supposed to be part of his character to be some lazy and incompotent man who becomes cool ala FEMME NIKITA, but it wasn't enjoyable here. Shannon has the best lines in the movie. She did her best to shine and to make this movie watchable. But the material she has to work with is so awful, that it hurts her performance. Seeing her fight again was great, but she had to go against very stupid stunt men who did not know how to fight. Koichi couldn't direct the action the way he usually does (DRIVE) because of this same problem. He didn't even have the rest of the Alpha Stunt Team with him. Action directors can't direct action by themselves. They have to have a team of other people. This is why guys like Yuen Woo Ping and Sammo Hung are so good at it.This is an unfortunate film that shows that the people involved must have needed money. Shannon Lee showed she had great potential to be an action star with ENTER THE EAGLES. This is not a good way to follow that movie up. Stick with that movie and DRIVE for real good action.
This is the first movie where I have actually felt the urge to ask formy rental money back, and those of you who know me as former IMDB posterEl Buncho know that I am no stranger to bad movies. This film was simplythat bad.First of all, I rented this because Shannon Lee (Bruce's little girl,who is now a serious hottie) is top billed and featured on the box.Sure, she hasn't made any good films yet, but hope springs eternal. Shehas talent, but she needs a script! And she really has very little to dowith the film. This is unfortunately a starring vehicle for RobertVitelli (who???), a charisma-free void of a non-actor whose martialskills are marginal at best. Films that purport to be martial arts filmsshould at least be able to deliver on the butt-kicking, but this willmake the viewer want to do a bit of butt-kicking on their own (directedat most of the people involved in this mess).The plot is a convoluted ripoff of "La Femme Nikita" with Vitelli in theNikita role, and the incredibly uninvolving story just lurches alonguntil it reaches a ludicrous twist ending. And we also are treated toappearances by two Star Trek actors: Michael "Worf" Dorn and the guy whoplays Dr. Phlox on "Enterprise."And the final kick in the mouth is that this DVD bears the blasphemoustag-line "Bruce Lee's legacy lives on." I'm not even related to the guy,and I was offended for the entire Lee family! Avoid this at all costs;there is simply no entertainment to be found
I had a coupon for a free movie rental and the movie looked like it might be interesting. I wish I could get my free rental coupon back. I would rather have watched "Battlefield Earth" again.