The Worst Film Ever
Good story, Not enough for a whole film
A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Sjoerd Jonker
What a nice ride! A young dreamer, taken from his home to a land of evil. He managed to escape along with his new companion who was also kidnapped. They found shelter by local peasants, who were willing to aid them to for full their quest to vanquish the rising thread in the west. Together they went north and arrived at the mystical isle 'Ga'Hoole' where the Guardians live. They are the only ones that can bring a permanent end to this evil recovered from the Battle of the Ice Claws. Together they returned to St. Aegolius to take down the Pure Ones once and for all. Victory! The Guardians restored the peace once more thanks to our brave owls who not only brought the message, they saved the Guardians from certain death. They stood for the King and Queen not only as heroes, but also as rightful Guardians. The End!The Legend of the Guardians is a striking story in a medieval, fantasy world populated by owls, but the movie has its flaws. Besides the light script, the whole story they told us is too brief. As a feature film the length is good, but being put in a story like this, there are many elements that I missed during the film. There was more A LOT MORE that they could tell us to give the story more spice. There weren't even romance scenes guys, already they missed one entire important ingredient! Anyway they could've told us more about the mysterious flecks in St. Aegolius. We know that they are harmful to the so called 'Gizzard', though we still do not know how the Gizzard really works on owls and why metal flecks have a negative effect on it, not to mention that it is still a mystery how the flecks wind up in prey that the owls eat. We also did not know much about The Battle of the Ice Claws. They could've showed us interesting flashbacks how the conflict between the Pure Ones and the Guardians happened(were the King and Queen there?), when Soren found out Ezylryb is Lyze of Kiel(in order to make more emotional involvement) in his hollow. BTW we still don't know why he called himself Ezylryb. Was it because his fans would be disappointed for the rest of their lives, because of the fact that their hero is a little screech owl full of battle scars, or did he changed his name because he simply did not want to be remembered as a hero, who is to say. Furthermore I feel that they missed some critical scenes. For example they fail to tell us what the current state is of the world. Is the whole world torn apart by the previous war or is the world fully recovered yet the inhabitants just did not know what is going on with their young-lings? We simply know nothing of this world and how it is ruled. Furthermore there are several other things that were too brief, The Owl God: Glaux, The Echidna(one of the most rushed characters), Grimbles family(we still don't know what became of them), The reunion with Soren's parents at the very ending of the film(the parents did not even mentioned Kludd), The King and Queen(the queen never showed up during the final battle) and being moon blinked(does this works on every animal or just owls?)Not only is the story brief it is also as straight as an arrow. By that I mean that it is too obvious what is going to happen next during almost every scene and since the scenes are in general brief it makes them only more predictable, not to mention that the story itself is unoriginal, but I'll let that one slide, because otherwise I would be a massive hypocrite for liking tons of other movies. Anyway, it would have been fine if just a handful of scenes were predictable, but in this case the complete film is predictable. For example: Soren was the dreamer in the beginning and Kludd was not convinced that the Guardians even existed. And that is fine, but there was not one moment that caused the slightest turbulence in their visions. The result of this is that we feel little emotional attached when Kludd had fallen in the fire, because he was a bad brother the whole time. It was also obvious that it was going to happen one way or another. They could've lessen both by hiding his personality more in the beginning. As for Soren he is obviously the 'good guy' in this, no two ways about it. But there are certain aspects they missed to build him up as a character. For example after he escaped from St. Aegolius he didn't even bother about his own brother or his parents! He didn't feel like going back was an option and he didn't asked the necessary questions that make us sympathize with him. For example: 'But what about my brother, he is still in St. Aegolius?'(When they found shelter at Twilight's and Digger's place) or: 'You're right Mrs. P, I can't go without letting my parents know what has happened, can I?'In conclusion: The film is not perfect, that is clear, but I see the ambition behind it even though they played it safe by telling the story at minimal length with its light yet decent script in order to satisfy all audiences. The visuals are superb with an outstanding lighting from the time of day. Metal Beak is great! He is more like an idea than he is a person and he was everything that Soren isn't and that makes him a good villain. The music is intriguing and the art style is just marvelously done! And I must also give the trailers credit, since they were the reason for finding my favorite band: Thirty Seconds to Mars.
People have and are generally writing favorable reviews for this movie, and I can kind of see why. When it first came out, I was eager to like it. The premise was solid from the get-go; it's a movie set around owls, and everyone knows that owls are awesome. I've always loved owls, so this immediately peaked my attention when I first watched the trailer. I have never read any of the books that this movie is supposed to be based on, so I'm going to solely judge it as a standalone flick. I've watched it two times, because after the first viewing I just considered it "okay" with nothing much to add. However, after my second viewing I think I can form a reasonable opinion in regards to it.The first problem is something that I noticed almost right away, and that's our main character Soren. The problem I have with him is very similar to the one I have with Frodo in the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings movies, in that he's too much of a coward. Whenever he's in shot, he has this angsty look on his face as if he's getting ready to pass out. I know they're trying to set up their main character as being humble and fragile, but this is honestly the only characteristic he shows throughout the entire film. Towards the end I pretty much stopped liking him altogether and wished for someone to put him out of his misery so that we can hopefully focus on a more interesting character. I should mention that the rest of the cast is filled with interesting characters who are all very expressive with voices to match, so why couldn't Soren be more interesting like them? The animation is considered to be great, and while I generally agree that the characters are rendered very well I do have a couple of gripes with it that kind of prevent it from being a CG marvel. The best way to describe any on-screen action is with the word "motion", because that's what almost every frame looks like. It looks like a blur of motion where you can hardly tell what's going on. Maybe that's why Zack Snyder likes to put in as much slow-motion like he does, because those are the only moments when things seem to come into focus. It's a pity, because this movie has a fairly high emphasis on action scenes, and I feel like I would have enjoyed it much more if I was actually able to tell what was going on during a lot of these moments. It's like trying to follow a wrestling match with the camera's shutter-speed set to a full second or something. It's simply unreasonable in a product where action plays such a big part.The characters besides Soren are colourful and likable, and in my opinion they're one of the highlights of the film. The only thing I don't like about them is the writing. Some of the dialog is just very sub-par, even if you were to consider this a "kid's movie". The script also contains quite a few plot holes, but for the sake of spoilers I won't delve too deep into them. One thing I remember (and this will be the only minor spoiler in this review) is how Soren returns to the village after defeating his brother. His friends, his sister, and his parents all come to congratulate him, but his parents don't even have the courtesy to ask what became of his brother (Kludd, their own son) and they just seem to carelessly accept that he got killed during battle. I can kind of see why Soren's brother would turn against them with attitudes like that.Things like this keep me from really enjoying it, and turn what could have been a great movie into a mediocre CG flick. A typical rental movie. You watch it once, and then forget you ever saw it. Speaking of forgettable: the soundtrack is absolutely vapid with nothing to make it stand out, save for one annoying pop-song sung by that one guy who's name I can't remember for the life of me. It's sad too, because I really wanted to like this! When I first watched it, I would have probably rated this a seven out of ten, just because of the premise and interesting characters. Right now, I can't rate it higher than a five out of ten. It pains me to say that the pretty CG is mostly just a cover for a mediocre and clearly rushed script. I don't normally say this, but perhaps a future remake will give the books the epic movie it deserves.
This movie gave my eight year old Night mares, not because it was scary but, if these where humans it would not be pg, (spoiler alert) given he is forced to kill his brother at the end, and stabs the evil leader with a burned branch still glowing from the coals, its not for the feint of heart but definitely one of the best movies I've seen.(end spoiler) much of the quality of this movie I would attribute to director Zack Snyder, the cinematography by Cyrille Caron and the story by Alexs Staderman. this was a superbly made movie, Zack Snyder's directing really shows through here (in a good way) topping even man of steel which is saying a lot.
Ben Franklin-Shaw
How do I put this? Well, everybody praises Toy Story 3 for being the best animated film of 2010. Which, in some cases, yes it is. But an animated film directed by the guy who brought '300', 'Watchmen' and the upcoming 'Man of Steel' has to be a close second. The music, the acting, everything is perfect. Especially the visuals, my god. BUT; be warned. This is NOT a kids film. This is a family film suitable for kids. I can't put into words how surprised I was by this film (and I got chills from the trailer). Seriously, this is worth buying on Blu-Ray. If they re- released it for some unknown reason in cinemas, I would go see it. Definitely recommended.