Sadly Over-hyped
Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Orla Zuniga
It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Taha Avalos
The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
La Belle verte is directed by Colline Serreau,a talented woman film maker from France who made us all laugh with joy with her 1985 film "Trois hommes et un couffin".Her film is probably the only French film of recent times that talks of nature,environment and importance of greenery in our daily existence.In La Belle verte,we see how an alien lady from a green planet descend on French capital Paris in order to gather information about the status of greenery. What follows is absolutely shocking for this alien person as she learns that earth's inhabitants have almost no respect for nature,greenery and environment. Apart from its pro nature stance,La Belle verte is also a searing attack on consumerist society where modern human beings have no idea of nature's power.This forces them to eat meat,listen to music which is nothing but cacophony.An important role in this film is played by Colline Serreau who is effective as Mila,lady from green planet.Thanks to a DVD box set of Colline Serreau's films,la Belle verte is enjoying renewed popularity as a film that has highlighted mother earth's plight.
This is a very feminine movie. If the evil, vile, yes vicious rule of Man is ever abolished we could be looking at a plethora of movies like this.The main character is a Woman and she is the only volunteer of her Planet willing to travel to and sanitize and re-educate Earth which is described as the most backward, idiotic, violent Planet in the Universe. You see, there's this future advanced society of (let's say) hippies on another planet (or time) who don't drive cars, have no TV or money. "Hippies from Space" - All of them are Caucasian by the way. But don't worry - later on it is revealed that Australian Aborigines are the ultimate sages of Planet Earth. Now if that doesn't convince you of the film's good intentions...Our female hero comes to Earth via White Bubble (no less) in a garment from the time of the French Revolution and by golly she is repelled by all that horrific meat-eating, air-polluting etc. This is a setting that guarantees some people's instant vomiting:Hippies from the Future/Cosmos in Paris. A sure-fire blockbuster and next in line to be re-done by Hollywood. Yeah right. "Universal Hippie" (Rated R). Coline Serreau (of 3 Men and a Baby) wrote, directed AND starred in this movie. If you are frenchophobe and misogynous I strongly suggest you skip this one.And by the way this happens to reek of eco-fascism in almost every scene. But it is a comedy we must assume - at least the first 30 minutes lead you to believe that. So who knows. In fact it looks like a generic 80s comedy from Europe but it was done in the 90s. Evidently genius transcends the time of mere mortals. I only have a fuzzy idea of what the "Mastress" of this oeuvre wants but I think: She's criticizing the Modern Age but making fun of the supposed alternatives as well. I hope so because those future hippies are horrific. Almost as dull as the Eloi in Time Machine.There are memorable, funny scenes in this movie and some that make you cringe. The low point of the movie comes your way during a hospital scene - our hero "re-loads" her energies with the help of a new-born which happens to be the product of a Serb having raped a Bosnian after which she abandoned the child. I have no idea what stuff like this is doing in and for a comedy. It is just one example why it all looks like the essay of a freakishly creative 8-year-old school girl.Oh, and there is a silent concert here as well, meaning our future genius hippies participate in it telepathically. Can you dig it, man? You see, this is a very esoteric piece we have here. And lurking around every corner there are cathartic collapses and spiritual re-births of bad world-polluting evil-doers. Incidentally Jesus was, of course, one of those E.T. hippies himself. This is a prequel to "Bruce Almighty" of some sorts. Kind of like "Hippie Almighty". That makes it 3 alternative titles with the word Hippie in this review. I guess we will leave it at that.This mess of a movie seems to lose its way half-way through. There is a lot of dancing & prancing of people in nature. Skippy hippies on Planet Green. In fact this movie endangers you to believe the French are all women. With or without. Bummer, I thought "Hippie" was written "Hippy" - what a pity - I imagined those "Hippys" jumping around on their Planet Green like "Skippy" - the credible land-bound Flipper of Australia. I think it's best to watch this movie drunk or in a feminine state of mind. Of course this is a compliment. So flip your wig and dig it, "Man"?
udi h bauman
did you ever wonder why the floor under your feet , in the place where you live are covered with a gray material, & you can't see the soil? why this floor is full of poop? why are there boxes of metal emitting gases that you must breath? why you live in high cages, forced to hear the noise of these metal boxes? why you're driving them, & not using your feet, causing you to eventually have heart attack, if you won't die earlier from cancer from the gases, or an accident with the fast moving boxes? why you eat corpses of animals? why you use pieces of paper entitling you to any value, without which you won't have nothing, not even food? why you eat unhealthy food? why you're sitting every evening watching a box showing people telling lies, & dirtying your mind? why do you let yourself be led by fat selfish people caring only about themselves, their money & power, why don't we really listen to each other, talk to each other, why do we have these hierarchies, in which the stupidiest, incapable ones rule, control & exploit the goodness & capable weaker ones? why we go about doing wrong immoral things just because we're being told, why we we're constantly mad, worried & frustrated with such small trivial things, like a scratch in the mirror of our cars, & never see, appreciate & thank the beautiful wonderful life, nature & world that sorrounds & support us? why we ruin the world, poison ourselves, live in ugliness, support the rich selfish people exploiting us, selling us lies, tobbaco, weapons & arms, killing people with the money that we're forced to pay them as taxes?if you haven't wondered on all this, its because you're like an ant, small cell in the super-organism, & can't see beyond your cell's vision. what you need is to be disconnected, shocked by artists such as Coline Serreau, that have a vision that you don't have, consciousness, different from that of the ants. such artists, like Jesus & Johann Sebastian Bach, cause the world to change, the super-organism to evolve into something more intelligent, more good for its cells, that are given life.
This movie is very nice, talking about how important it is to be careful of the nature, and stuff like that. I would use those words: Gaïa is there, loving us, and we are part of it, and we most be careful, because She will survive, where we couldn't. Please do not interpret what i say a I spoiler, because it is not. It is just the way I see maybe one of the many messages passed by this lovely movie, a cult movie, for me, indeed!In fact, one who see this movie and stay unaffected, is either totally unable to understand french language (or can't read subtitles if there is any ;) ) or has a mental or emotive blockage. The call to the truth of human nature, where the human life is leading, where there is a way to get the (f word here) away from this worldwide situation, in a better world, it lies in our hands to improve our world!!! =)Anyway...You do what you want, but this movie is a cult movie for me, as was The Fifth Element and The Matrix.. Keys are there, ready to be used to unlock some interesting realms...Have fun seeing this movie and g'day!