Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Rich Wright
This film appears to have a bit of an identity crisis. It simultaneously celebrates having a disabled actor with shortened arms in the lead role beating the tar out of far more able-bodied opponents, but then it rips the p*ss out of him by constantly subjecting him to jibes about his handicap which I suppose the audience are meant to find amusing, too.In fact the whole movie is like that... bloody fight scene, followed by a part so surreal you can only assume it was meant to be funny. Alas, the battles are directed so ineptly they have precisely nil impact, and the only moments of levity here are unintentional ones. But it's worst sin is: it thinks the watchers are idiots. Maybe we are, for choosing to see a flick with such a stupid plot.This doesn't mean it should be allowed to get away with not explaining away how a man covered from head to toe in blood can run about and drive around the streets for hours without being questioned or stopped by anyone. Or when his underwear clad wife is shot twice in the lower neck... not only is a VET able to fix her up and stop the bleeding, but she is soon on her feet, beating up big men after losing pints and pints of the red stuff. And as for the actress playing his abducted daughter... well let's be candid here, and say we're not looking at the next Shirley Temple here. (Naw, screw subtlety... she was bloomin' AWFUL)OOPS I nearly forgot. It's got Faye from Steps in too! Apart from showing more cleavage than a Hugh Hefner special, and accidentally dowsing herself in acid (Ouch) she doesn't demonstrate any talent for thespianism at all. No wonder, when the offer came for her old band to reunite, she accepted even before the question had been asked. So it seems only fair I should end with some topical gags now... This movie is such a Tragedy, Words Are Not Enough. You'll Be Sorry if you see it... It's Better Best Forgotten.Hilarious, I'm sure. 1/10