In the alternate universe set in an RPG world, the students of Kunugigaoka Junior High School are heroes under training and students of Class 3-E are those with bug, making them weaker than other heroes. They ae tasked a defeat Koro-sensei, a Demon King who intentionally teaches them so they can defeat him one day.
Koro-sensei Q! (2016) is currently not available on any services.
Jun Fukuyama , Mai Fuchigami , Nobuhiko Okamoto , Ryota Osaka , Shizuka Itoh , Satomi Sato
Seiji Kishi, Yoshihito Nishouji
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Hashira Meeting Arc
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba -To the Hashira Training-