People are voting emotionally.
This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
I only award 1 because 0 is not an option, since there are no redeeming features to what is probably the worst film I have ever seen - with the possible exception of a few 'comedies' that aimed at stupid for laughs. That this could have been a serious attempt to explore a 'what if' scenario is laughably pathetic and suggests the writer actually thinks the UK is run by nursery school children.
For anybody wishing to see how this could/should have been done, read Shaw's "The Apple Cart" and/or see the TV adaptation made at a time when the BBC knew it had a higher mission in life.
This film got off to a bad start for me by having Camilla explain succession law to her princely stepsons. Since they're in line to inherit the throne it would not have to be explained to them at the queen's funeral. A good film tells a story one can believe and what follows is a script that suspends belief on too many occasions. As a play one can accept the high drama as a fictional account of Charles's future reign; the audience pulled in by an intimate view of the royals and various perfidies. Its attempt to give personality to other royal family members with far-fetched characterizations however made it more farce than drama. As a film it presents as false and cheaply melodramatic.I can praise the sets and some of the performances, but the story line was more laughable than intended.
As people mourn the death of the queen, Prince Charles prepares to become the king of the monarchy. All things good, we get the idea, but I feel like the movie emphasizes more the characters, than the action itself. Plus, it seems like the situation presented turns into a game with no end, but we already know how things may change. I mean, it's obvious that in a moment when things go wrong, the only solution for the man in power is to give up, right? I just think that the movie could have come up an impartial opinion on how things evolve after the tragic event and let the public decide what path, good or bad, the king may choose.
This is an unbelievably stunning artistic accomplishment. It is a Shakespearean play not only with Shakespearean language, but Shakespearean construction. It is tense, dramatic and an utterly effective work of dramatic art. People who are concerned about the "truth" of this future projection should remind themselves that Shakespeare himself was concerned with dramatic truth, not historical truth. This production explores the dynamics of human relations, historical tensions and the ultimate questions about power, ambition, morality and all the humanistic dynamics that make for great drama. This is the most impressive production I have seen on television in many, many years. Everyone should see this and recognize it for the astonishing achievement it is.