Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love

6| 1h57m| R| en| More Info
Released: 28 February 1997 Released
Producted By: Pandora Film
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Tara and Maya are two inseparable friends in India. Their tastes, habits, and hobbies are the same. Years later, the two have matured, but have maintained their friendship. Tara gets married to the local prince, Raj Singh, who soon succeeds the throne as the sole heir. After the marriage, Raj gets bored of Tara and starts seeking another female to satisfy his sexual needs. He notices Maya and is instantly attracted to her. He has her included as one of his courtesans, and is intimate with her. Watch what happens when Tara finds out and the extent she will go to keep her marriage intact.

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Mira Nair

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Pandora Film


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Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love Audience Reviews

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
The_Film_Cricket 'Kama Sutra' has a story that would be right at home on a daytime soap opera. I say that as a criticism because both tell meaty stories and one is just as frivolous and silly as the other. Both are smooth and lovingly photographed, everyone is beautiful and everybody seems locked in some form of sexual intrigue or another.With a title like Kama Sutra you wouldn't expect anything less then eroticism and sexual politics. The story takes place in 16th century India and centers around two women a servant named Maya (Indira Varma) and the Princess Tara (Sarita Choudhury) who have been friends since childhood. Tara has been groomed from birth to be the wife of a king and is chosen by King Raj Singh (Naveen Andrews). The night before the wedding Maya seduces the king on the theory that she has always had to follow Tara to get anything and now Tara will have something that Maya has had first.Angered, Tara casts Maya out of the village. Wandering in exile she is caught up in the gaze of a sculptor who makes her his model and his lover but later decides that she can't be both and would rather she just be his model. Uh-huh. It's about here that the movie's title comes into place because Maya meets a woman who has a school that teaches the ancient art of the Kama Sutra. She proves to be adept at the ancient art that combines dance, art, philosophy and sex and uses her teachings to make her way back into the court.From Mira Nair I expected a robust story of sexual intrigue and character study but alas she hasn't created a film that is up to her best works like 'Mississippi Masala' or 'Salaam Bombay'. The story is just a clothes line on which to hang a lot of gorgeous bodies and erotic revelry. It begins with a joyfully sexy story and by the end 'Kama Sutra' doesn't have a brain in it's pretty little head.
[email protected] POSSIBLE SPOILERS: Much more has been heard from Mira Nair since "Kama Sutra: A Love Story," but comparatively little from Indira Varma, who at the time the movie was made, may have been the most beautiful woman alive. Both clothed and naked, she is so gorgeous as to defy description. Nair and her co-author have devised a more-than-serviceable plot about the rivalry between the well-born Tara (Sirita Chouldhury) and her playmate and servant Maya (Varma). When Tara is betrothed to Raj Singh (Naveen Andrews), the jealous Maya seduces him prior to the wedding. After leaving her home to take advanced instruction in the Kama Sutra, Maya falls in love with Kumar (Ramon Tikarum), a sculptor, who rebuffs her after a consuming love affair because she so fills his imagination that he finds himself unable to create. Her heart broken by her lover's rejection, Maya becomes Raj Singh's courtesan and steels his love from Tara, the queen. Kumar finds he cannot live without Maya and finds her in the harem, where he is discovered and condemned to a spectacular and particularly brutal death. The dissolute Raj Singh is then overwhelmed by enemy forces led on behalf of Persia by Tara's hunchbacked brother, who had once sought Maya for his wife, and Maya wanders off into the Indian mists as the film ends. Indira Varma -- half English and half Indian by birth -- has subsequently enjoyed a rather minor career, mostly in television. But when this film was made, there was no one in Hollywood, Bollywood or any other center in the film making industry who was a more striking beauty.
Jessica Carvalho I watched ''Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love'' 3 years ago, and it was the first Indian movie I watched in my life. Needless to say that I fell in love right away, but only now I can make a review about it. I found both actresses Indira Varma and Sarita Choudhury very beautiful(specially Indira) and after this film, I had more interest in watching Indian movies.In the 16th Century India, Maya and Tara are friends,but they belong to different casts: Maya is a servant and Tara is a princess. The only reason why Maya can play with Tara, is because Maya's adoptive mother nursed both Tara and her brother Biki. But the time passes, and soon Tara becomes jealous of Maya's beauty, specially when she is going to marry a king and he prefers to look Maya than Tara. They split their friendship,and Maya as a revenge sleeps with the king Raj Singh. Bikki,who always was in love with her, asks her to marry him, but when she answers no, She is banned from the places she lives, going to find help with Rasa Devi, the teacher of the Kama Sutra who teaches all women to become courtesans. She lives there and learns the art of Kama Sutra. When she is ready, she goes to be Raj Singh's courtesan, and Tara gets very angry with her, as Jai Kumar, a man she once loved, but not cared about her very much when they were lovers.
Theo Robertson I do confess that I have read the Kama Sutra and there's an awful lot of misconceptions about it . It is NOT some hot porn manual that will get your juices flowing , it's a very thick book about the art of love . If you've bought a copy simply to use as masturbation fuel then you've certainly wasted your money . Likewise if you bought the book to wave around during some moral crusade with a rather dubious agenda The film is very similar to the book . Many people who have stated their opinion have obviously watched the movie either expecting to be shocked or to be brought to orgasmic ecstasy but that's their problem because like the book with the same name this film while being somewhat erotic is also rather dull . It's not an adaptation per se just a rather unconnected and tenuous example of a book and movie sharing the same name . The only reason it's called KAMA SUTRA is down to the fact that it's taught to a group of courtesans , the rest of the plot involves something of a love triangle . It's also a movie that's not well made with a visual look of something that appears to have been shot on very poor stock film I will praise it on one aspect - The casting . For this type of movie to come close to any type of success the casting of the lead female must be right and Indira Varma as Maya simply steals the film . He is strikingly beautiful but he also oozes a type of pure innocence . It's very easy to see why Raj Singh has fallen in love with her . Singh is played by Naveen Andrews who everyone in the world will now know via a very successful American show but you'll never be reminded of Sayid Jarrah while watching this because Andrews is very convincing . I do feel slight sympathy for Sarita Choudhrey as the other pivotal female role of Tara because her part feels rather underwritten and understandably she doesn't have the same type of breathtaking beauty as Varma unfortunately This could have been a very poor film and to be honest it's not a great one either , but some clever casting and fine acting make it worth watching at least once