The Worst Film Ever
i must have seen a different film!!
Best movie of this year hands down!
Jenna Walter
The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Anne Archer's weaknesses as as actress are revealed in this mind-numbing bit of hokum. This movie was bad even if compared to other low-budget sudsers that are Lifetime's usual staple. Worst was the blatant homophobia of the film. San Francisco residents are referred to as "fruit loops that all moved to a place where they can feel normal." Archer's character, an Appeals Court judge no less, later agrees, referring to the "fruits and nuts" in San Francisco. When confronted by a gun-wielding Senator in the back of a car, the villain snorts, "you can't shoot me; this is San Francisco. They'll think it's just another gay tryst gone bad." (Huh?) I stayed with the film only out of fascination for just how awful it could get. Archer's wooden, creepy performance as a Supreme Court nominee was about as believable as Denise Richards' famous turn as a "nuclear physicist" in one of the Bond films. (Which is to say, laughable.) Unless you get some sick enjoyment out of watching really bad, cynical film-making, avoid this turkey at all costs.
Anne Archer is at the top of her game as a supreme court nominee. She walks and carries herself like the late Jackie Kennedy. Smart, poised, and elegant, she has everything going for her until she is set up in a plot to discredit her so as to get her nomination out.You do begin to wonder when the rapist shows up as part of the news corps and is seen with Archer's daughter. It all comes into focus as a corrupt, miserable senator has set out to destroy Archer for destroying him some years back.The film is also quite good as it shows you how a supreme court nominee is guided through the process by White House assistants.
Well, any chance to view Michael acting in something outside Stargate is always a treat. Now if he can stay away from things like MegaSnake and Sumuru... Perhaps explore Shakespeare a bit, now we're talking! I did enjoy watching this Jack fellow twist around. Nice, quiet intensity Michael. Brooding, not so much, perhaps work on that. Too bad Ann Archer looked so tired throughout. I have always admired her work. In this she seemed, washed out. And seeing Cigarette Man from the X-Files was also a treat!Otherwise, a good job done Michael. See, there is life after Stargate after all, and this from a die-hard SG-1 fan! Up the Jaffa!
Anne Archer is one of the premier actresses of our time having co starred in the classic movie "Fatal Atrraction" for which she received an Acamdey Award nomination. She has also costarred with such talented male stars as Harrison Ford, Micahel Douglas and Gene Hackman. In "Judicial Indescretion" Anne has an accomplished actor Michael Shanks co-starring, who, with the right opportunities, will emerge as a talent to be reckoned with. And it's great to see that Anne has not lost any of her talent, acting abilities nor beauty as she delivers a virtuoso performance. The film is intelligent, riveting at times and socially relevant. Ms Archer is never strident, when lesser actors would be, and always credible with her understated and haunting performance. However, she emerges at the end, not a victim, but a woman empowered. It's too bad that we can't have women of her character in office. Or is that also the message of this subtly directed film?