A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
Joanna Mccarty
Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Neive Bellamy
Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Jolly Roger: Massacre at Cutter's Cove isn't without its redeeming qualities. The strip scenes are amusing, Kristina Korn is easy on the eyes and likable and, although his character is made too much of a wimp at times, the talented Rhett Giles does give a decent performance. Unfortunately, that's the only praise I can give. It is a cheap-looking film, though I've seen cheaper, with dull lighting, very annoyingly slipshod photography and special effects that are so fake and lacking in any finesse or technical value. The music is obvious, unfitting and has nothing memorable. Jolly Roger: Massacre at Cutter's Cove also has some of the most sophomoric dialogue I've heard in recent memory, the story holds no surprises, as we have seen it all before and executed far better, has no atmosphere or nail-biting suspense and is eye-rollingly ridiculous at times too. Some of the scenes are clearly repetitive of others in the film, but clumsily disguised to not make it look so. There are no likable characters, again I don't mind stereotypes and clichés as long as they are written well and interestingly, which Jolly Roger: Massacre at Cutter's Cove failed to do. Jolly Roger is the one character you sort of root for, though Korn does decently with really bad material, the others are obnoxious in the worst sense. There are many killings, but they offer no genuine sense of horror, they're bloody but crude-looking and unoriginal and they are often very randomly placed. The acting is generally awful, Tom Nagel is bland while everybody else, especially in the scene where the Mayor talks to the kids about LeChuck, overacts to the point of utter embarrassment. Korn and Giles are the only two exceptions. All in all, not terrible or the worst movie ever, but it is a good idea to skip this one. 3/10 Bethany Cox
I struggled with how to rate this film. I really did. See I love kitchy horror films - which is what this was. This film had no pretensions of being classy or intellectual; it set out to be just a block of solid entertainment, and it succeeded.That said, it was a truly awful film. So ultimately I decided I'd rate it as a 3 star film and proceed from there.The start seems to start us off as a slasher film starring six teens; until four of them are offed in the first ten minutes. Next followed the single worst part of the movie; sitting around the police station with unbelievable actions on the part of the police and truly terrible acting on the part of everyone.But it all gets better quickly as we cut back to our favourite pirate (and my favourite character) Jolly Roger as he proceeds to decapitate all those that get in the way of his lucky chaaaaaaaarrrrrms, which happen to be heads.And that's basically the film. An undead psycho pirate hunting down people and cutting their heads off. Of course, the number one scene in the film is where Roger rips a bouncer's arm off and proceeds to beat him to death with it. Honestly, how can you get better then that? Well, you can if you bother to sit through the credits. I let them roll for a while and the end warnings are truly amazing, "The events, characters... purely fictitious. Really. Any similarity to actual... is purely coincidental, and very weird. We suggest moving, and/or staying away from hooks, planks, and cats o' nine tails or more." Honestly, that's what it says. It also makes sure we know that, "No animals, strippers, or pirates were hurt during the production of this screenplay." And that's why this film is amazing. It's a bad film that KNOWS it's a bad film and will make fun of it. It was easy to watch, fun to mock, and if you don't find yourself wanting to make a pirate joke or talk in a pirate voice every few minutes you have no soul.
I cannot begin to describe how good this film was. It made me cry with the powerful emotions it evoked! Masterful acting and whoever directed the murder sequences was definitely on form that day. Who would have thought that it was possible for someone to completely disappear whilst decapitating one's victim with one's own bare hands?! Then it was into the fish tank with the head and on with the film which was an absolute roller-coaster of a ride and had me gripping the arms of my seat in terror/hysterics/ expectation/effort to suppress the need to urinate.Unfortunately there were no intended jokes, but it was enough for me that at the beginning of the film one of the budding actors quipped: "Did you hear about the pirate movie?", "No", "It was an arrrrrr Rating!" Or something suitably terrible to that effect. Pure class.This film had become a firm favourite and my friend and I are soon discovering that if you play the game of 'good film bad film' (can you guess which one Jolly Roger was boys and girls?!) sometimes the bad film ends up the most entertaining! Yay for bad films! Peace out!
Toby Kemp
This movie is pretty much a remake/homage (or more honestly, a ripoff) of John Carpenter's The Fog. The acting and make-up are pretty decent, but the continuity is horrendous. I realize logic isn't something you should expect in a horror movie but the many flaws are clearly due to oversight, inattention or downright laziness. It also has one thing I can't stand. At one point the local police chief notices a security camera and reviews the footage hoping to get a glimpse of the killer. Well not only does he get a glimpse, he gets to see 2 separate murders from 7 different angles including the killer's and both victim's POV. Nice. I love b-grade movies but unfortunately this movie doesn't suck enough to qualify. But it isn't good enough to qualify as a decent straight-to-video horror, either. I guess the best compliment I can give it is this: The production quality of Jolly Roger: Massacre at Cutter's Cove makes Bog Creatures look like Legend of Chupacabra.