the audience applauded
As Good As It Gets
Absolutely Brilliant!
Jonah Abbott
There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
We waited 14yrs for a third part to the Jeepers Creepers franchise, but did it deliver?Well let me clarify the previous 2 movies got a 3 and a 5 from me so they've hardly blown me away. I did however want to see the series continue and was looking forward to this.Sadly the road to release wasn't easy for Jeepers Creepers 3, people didn't care about the movie so much as wish to boycott it due to the director/writer Victor Salva being a convicted paedophile. This frustrated me because though I understand peoples wishes to screw over this disgusting human being they are too blinkered. Can we kindly remember that this movie provided the livelihood of hundreds of people not just Salva, bigger picture people.And the movie, isn't half bad actually. In fact I'd say it's the best one yet. Full of interesting ideas, great kills and really builds up the mythology.Sadly that's also its greatest flaw. This third part really humanizes the creeper, takes it away from being a mysterious creature cloaked in shadow. We now begin to find out it's origins, but alas the movie poses questions, gives the characters the answers but never relays them to the audience.This wouldn't be so bad if it were a AAA movie guaranteed another part but this simply isn't. Will we get answers? Will we get a 4th part? Will we wait almost 15yrs for it again? Will it even get made due to the boycotting?If they'd done a better ending complete with answers then I'd consider Jeepers Creepers 3 a really quite good film but in its current state it's enjoyable but flawed.The Good:Some great charactersWell castThe Bad:Very much feels like a made for tv movieFAR too open endedThings I Learnt From This Movie:Meg Fosters eyes still stun me
This movie must be one of the worst movies ever made.
Cheap very bad special effects, bad acting. The Creeper isn't even scary.
and i do feel sorry for everyone who baught a copy of this crap.This movie doesn't derserve your precious time... the Director should be very Ashamed.
Crap!! I have watched some crappy films, a lot in fact but this is a contender for the worst film ever made. If I had a choice between watching this again or clearing out the drains I would opt for the drain clearing. I am hopeful that whoever made this film is now banned from ever producing another movie ever. However on a positive note about the film it did end although I didn't make it to the end as it was such painful watching.
The movie was dumb.... real dumb. Unbelievable dumb. The first one was good... the second starts getting ridiculous. The last one completely shameful.