Better Late Then Never
Best movie ever!
The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Fatma Suarez
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
The plot is, from beginning to end, so mind-bogglingly ridiculous that you might suspect it was deliberate - but the dialog is fantastic, and Teri Hatcher is an absolute joy - Desperate Housewives is no fluke. In this movie she grabs her role and runs with it, never flinching amidst the madness - whether making sarcastic remarks or threatening with a gun, she is absolutely 100%, and she makes the movie pure joy. Trevor Blumas, who showed a sly, subtle talent for comedy in Prom Queen, is a match for Hatcher here. Rob Lowe counts as part of the ridiculous plot, but he does no harm. Set aside any demands for sense or logic, and enjoy the ride - a bit like Cellular, but on the trashy side - and that's a good thing!
Jane Doe (her real name) is having a very rough day. Someone tosses the finger of her kidnapped son through the window. They then send there to do that and here to do this.Along the way she picks up a gun, is taught how to use it, steals a file from her office from which she was fired, etc. That all happens within the first few minutes of this action packed thriller.I gave it an eight.
This is a top-notch thriller that keeps you going from the beginning to the end. The music and camera angles are all top notch. Teri Hatcher gives an excellent performance. I first rented the DVD because I never heard of it. The next day I bought it and watched it again.
A mulligan stew, inherently of low expectations: throbbing music; lots and lots of different locations, sometimes interesting but fleeting; abundant gun play; a plethora of characters (more than indicated by IMDB); wild camera angles, till they tire of them; deceit and treachery all over, with vaporizing loyalties; super high-tech weapons; and something about intelligence agencies, computers, encrypted passwords, and critical databases doctored by the good (???) guys for sale by the bad guys to unseen other bad guys of murky pedigree. At the end, the only true good guys stand alone.Teri Hatcher has the lion's share of acting duty. Sorry girls, there's not as much of Rob Lowe as you'd expect from his star status: just enough to preserve his star billing but not enough to break the budget or really exercise his talent.Fine production values and good acting. BUT: why, oh why, can't they spend less on frills and more of the budget on a decent, respectable script; shouldn't that ALWAYS be the first priority?By the way, we never learn how Jane Doe (Teri Hatcher) came by her legal name, nor what that has to do with anything.