Thanks for the memories!
Perfect cast and a good story
Lucia Ayala
It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
For all its faults, this is likely to remain the definitive "straight" account on the screen of the notorious Jack the Ripper murders. It's a handsome production (the era has been reconstructed with loving care, the production design is majestic), but a little flat; while it avoids overt sensationalism, it's also a bit short on atmosphere and (for a 190-minute running time) suspense. It's structured like a (speculative) whodunit, and it will keep you guessing right to the end. Michael Caine heads a fine, mostly British cast (I even saw Hugh - Hastings - Fraser in there!). **1/2 out of 4.
Yes, one of the best versions of Jack the Ripper, thanks to the gorgeous production values, wonderfully entertaining script and so much atmosphere it could be cut with Jack's knife. Score which ranges from the pseudo-Victorian grandeur to the thrilling spookiness is also a plus. Only problems come in the moral sense. First, Sir William Gull was not the Ripper. He was an old, paralyzed man and THERE IS NOT ANY EVIDENCE to tie him with the murders. Also, the film's "psycho-logy" and lack of understanding when mental illness is concerned (psychosis is supposedly the motive behind crimes of Jack) belongs in the Whitechapel sewer.
Simply the best world-wide TV production ever. It's a SHAME there's no french version of this gem available on DVD. Why should I write ten lines of text about it, just get it and see by yourself : a splendid time is guaranteed for all ! I'd like to tell the IMDb crew that it's not easy for non-English speaking people to write 10-line commentaries, so they should be allowed to mail shorter texts ! Some might call it R.E.S.P.E.C.T. ! But I want to post this one, so I'll do what I am asked to : what do U think 'bout the following words : cats, dogs, chairs, beds, beards, heads, ears, legs, feet, arms, stomach, torso, music, book, trees, birds, walls, paper, pencil, cars, roads ... well, the ten lines are done, I think I can quit now.
Just great!This is the best TV-production I have ever seen.First time I saw it at the age of 8, it was awesome. But I could hardly remind.I have just known that it was a well done movie with a great Atmospher and thrilling suspense.I bought the film and my expectations were exceeded.A movie which can take it on with Jack the ripper is "The count of monte christo" with gerade depardieu. It's a trilogy which is also god work.