I love this movie so much
Wonderful character development!
Absolutely the worst movie.
Kaelan Mccaffrey
Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
What starts off looking like an old-fashioned witchcraft reincarnation plot sadly ends up being a run-of-the-mill slasher yarn in which teenagers are chased and stalked through woods and shower rooms by a badly-dressed killer who looks a hell of a lot like Ghostface from SCREAM, except just not as convincing unfortunately. He does kill with a steel-clawed glove, though, which is pretty cool. I was expecting a lot more, but sadly being a film made during the period in which audience taste was for all things stalk-and-slash, what can you expect? Another negative is that this is a television movie, so forget any exploitation ingredients as well.Along with the killer comes the mystery identity territory, but all this AND the witchcraft aspect makes for a too muddled - and unconvincing plot. Which is a shame, because the film looks lovely. The colours used are mainly brown and grey and there's plenty of atmosphere to be had from the wooded locations. A lot of the background shots of misty hillsides and skeletal trees are also done very professionally and effectively add to the movie's atmosphere, of which it has plenty. On top of this there's a subtle score which adds a lot to the feel of the piece.Sadly, there are also plenty of unwanted clichés rearing their ugly heads at every opportunity. From the trite - loads of self-referential jokes, which quickly become extremely annoying, to the predictable when the old "cat jumping out of a cupboard" shocker is rehashed yet again - this film has 'em all. The acting from the mainly young cast is pretty professional, so it's a shame that the majority of the characters are clichéd bitchy bimbos and thick-headed jocks who think that a witch drowning is a sign of her guilt (they're supposed to float). Sarah Chalke is, however, a convincing lead and works well with her unconventional character.The ending is dragged into over-the-top territory with a group of teenagers getting ready to burn their classmate who they suspect as a witch - no matter what may have happened, I find it hardly likely that they would be driven to these measures - before the inevitable unstoppable killer turns up for a final attack. And what is it with the town's police presence which doesn't actually show up, despite a couple of deaths and serious accidents, until the closing minutes? It's a shame that this is just a slasher yarn with extra trimmings; with the same setting and a more original, supernatural plot in future it may have been something much better. Instead all we're left with is a fun nightmare sequence of somebody being pulled into a grave by a vengeful corpse and a silly twist ending as minor elements of what could have been.
I caught this movie on TV a few years ago and wasn't expecting much ( I never do of teen horror movies) but this was OK.It's about some girl who moves to a new town and hears about a legend of a witch burned and that there's still a group of descendants of the witch who formed a club and believe the girl to be a reincarnation of the witch their ancestors burned earlier.OK I'll be honest here, I had to refresh my memory on this page on the story because I did not remember much of it but I do remember mildly enjoying this movie.There is no gore or pointless bloodshed in it, but it does have it's exciting moments (I wasn't as much of a horror movie buff as I am today).Recommended for a good night of somewhat cheesy fun.
First off I am a huge Lois Duncan fan. I am not however a fan of her books being made into TV Movies. The other one was I believe Killing Mr. Griffin. Another great book botched by TV. What I am growing tired of is the sterotypical Witch being portrayed in movies and TV. Enough already. How about a movie about an band of Christian killers? Of course that story will never fly. These type of plots are getting tired and old. I am also sick of teen movies as well. Movies about bored teens who read to many D&D books who go looking for trouble are as lame as they get. Let's get another thing straight historically. NO Witches were ever burned at the stake in the US. That was Europe. By the way the People killed in Salem were not Witches either.
Pepper Anne
This is one of those movies where the writers either had no idea who they were going to pin as the killer, making everyone a suspect, then releaving them of that position, and then making them a suspect again, until the ending arrives and the killer is revealed, and you're either completely untrhilled at the results or completely confused. I was completely unthrilled...with the entire story.I should know better than to expect anything from the modern teen horro genre after movies like Cherry Hill, I Know What You Did Last Summer, and others. One utterly predictable cheap thrill after the next. I guess I only expected different because Lifetime Television broke from it's usual string of wife-battering children-raped themes to show something a little more entertaining and only fictionally brutal. The short of it is this: a Californian girl is transplanted into a small town. But, it's a town with a legend of a witch hunt that lives on generations later. That is, the witch hunter's ancestors will wind up battling the ancestor's of the witch they killed some three hundred years ago. People are convinced that the new girl, Sarah, is the witch after many pranks gone awry and they're going to kill her unless she can reveal who is the real teenaged witch.The witch turns out to be this throwback to freddy kruger running arround in a cheap mask. The action in the film (i.e. teens running from their doom) is nothing rises to the level of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" that old kids show that used to air on Nickelodean in the early 90s. And the story is so ridiculous, you'll be pulling your hair out that everyone is so stupid. For example, Sarah pretends to read the palm of the head jock, Eric. So, she guesses the obvious, "I'll bet you're a jock [he is wearing a letterman's jacket in the fall], probably football. And I bet you drive a tricked out, jacked up SUV." And all of her enemies keep lingering on that as one reason why they know she's a witch even though all she did was state the obvious.Now, I never saw Sarah Chalke in much more than Scrubs and Roseanne before, but I actually walked away from this movie hoping to see her in other things. But, other than her charming performance, this movie is otherwise enough to make you gag.