Itty Bitty Titty Committee

2007 "Every generation needs a new revolution"
5.4| 1h27m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 28 September 2007 Released
Producted By: Power Up Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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High School grad and all American gal, Anna, finds her purpose and herself after she hooks up with the radical feminists in The Itty Bitty Titty Committee.



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Jamie Babbit

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Power Up Films


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Itty Bitty Titty Committee Audience Reviews

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
the_wolf_imdb Rise up, comrades! Here we have an educational feminist propaganda movie dressed as a comedy. A bunch of no so pretty girls doing not so much real work, they partying a little and doing not so much revolutionary work in not so much funny movie. They try to explore their sexuality in not so explicit way. Most of the movie is blaming these white racist, I mean these men who are pigs or something. Except for those dumb but lovely boy toys who are good at licking the female parts.Wow. Is this supposed to be modern or progressive? I call it both dumb and naive.I happen to live in a former communist country where the REAL feminism was a daily thing. We have had these really emancipated women who were driving tractors, working in steel mills and doing all possible "male jobs" including serving in military and dying for our country. It was not pretty nor erotic - the daily hard work was no so good for their bodies nor soul. Also they were included in some real revolution and had the honor to be jailed, punished and executed as their male comrades. Not so romantic and not so pretty in reality.I would recommend to folks who think this is progressive to visit some real place where the women have their revolutionary roles assigned by government like Northern Korea. A year or two could teach them about their prospect in REAL class-less society. It is way different than they think.Some confused folk might think this naive propaganda movie is somewhat inspirational or funny. I consider this to be a slow and somewhat boring horror movie because I have seen the society where this became a harsh reality. Something like a funny movie about a bunch of mad outsiders who are mad at the oppression of the society and decide to found an activist group called NSDAP. Funny. Real funny.
PeachHamBeach I once tried to submit my review a couple of weeks ago, but somehow there was some glitch about "gender" being one of the prohibited words. So I will try once more.I mostly enjoyed this engaging story about a small sect of feminists and lesbians who call themselves the C(i)A. In fact, that really would have made a better title for the film, which was more about the whole of feminism and equality than women altering their bodies to appease some societal standard. Ana (Melonie Diaz) is a young lesbian trying to get over a recent breakup. She works in a cosmetic surgery clinic. She doesn't really love her job, but she's undecided about what to do with her life, so she just goes with it. One night, she hears someone spray-painting her building with feminist slogans and tries to call 911, but when the beautiful and enigmatic Sadie (Nicole Vicius) struts up to her, Ana falls in love again, and is quickly swept up into the C(i)A's political demonstrations and takes their message into her heart. But maybe a little too much. There is nothing wrong with being a lesbian, and there is certainly nothing wrong with being a feminist, but when Ana begins acting bitchy towards her older sister, who is getting married, talking about how marriage is a stupid and useless institution, she is being ugly and inappropriate, hurtful and disrespectful. Remember, Ana, many people still believe in marriage and want it in their lives, even lesbians and feminists. I presume Ana has taken the influence of Shulamith (Carly Pope), the no-nonsense leader of the C(i)A who often takes angry, confrontational stances on things, but where Shulamith is mostly controlled and constructive, Ana is just being bratty. In fact, Ana, being the main protag, is kind of unlikeable in many ways. She has an annoying habit of putting "Ahhh" on the ends of many sentences/names/words, i.e. "Sadie-ahh! Please-ahh!" It's just an annoying habit, like nails on a blackboard. The other thing that made me mad was how she used Lauren Mollica's character, Aggie, during a fight with Sadie. Sadie was less annoying than Ana, but her constant battle with "obligation" vs. ending a relationship with an older feminist (Melanie Mayron) that is no longer viable is irritating too. The supporting cast is mainly what makes this film fun and engaging. I am in lust with Daniela Sea, who plays Calvin, and I love the character Meat (in spite of her being named after a balding guy playing a high school jock in the Porky's movies!), played by Deak Evgenikos. Good cameos/small roles include Melanie Lynskey, Jenny Shimuzu, Leslie Grossman, and Guinevere Turner.The ending seemed way too contrived. Attacking the white phallus in Washington? Didn't seem plausible at all. It would have been so much more fun and realistic if a cool pirate or indie TV station had caught the girls in one of their milder stunts and interviewed them on TV. The could have all sat, smiling, their faces on screens all over the country, saying, "You may not like what we have to say, but we're saying it anyway." A good effort for the most part.
Kirstie Wilkinson I had high hopes for this film, after loving 'But I'm a Cheerleader', but frankly, I was disappointed. It was particularly difficult to empathise with the main character, Anna, because she just came across as a bratty, angsty teen without any depth. The relationship between Anna and Sadie was terrible. I just couldn't bring myself to route for them, because Sadie treated Anna terribly and Anna was better without her, as shown at the end when the plan comes together. I hated the ending because I just didn't like the relationship and how it was built up. This film would have been better if it focused on the group more as a whole, because it raised some issues that are important, and had more interesting characters in it than Anna and Sadie.Basically, I wouldn't recommend this as a 'must-see' lesbian film, because there are so many that are better. But it raises some interesting political debates, so as long as you're not too bothered about liking the characters, you should watch it.
jackiegurl27 this film, which I saw in San Fran and then twice in LA knocked my socks off. Jamie Babbit needs an Oscar....this is fun, factual, funny and for god's sake a really good love story. I think that anna and sadie are sexy and really real as chicks who dig chicks....daniela sea has never been better and guin turner is funny. BUT THE BEST Part is the story. Good old fashion love story set against the funny group of hot chicks trying to change the world. This is so true and real it hurts. It is funny and the best lesbian film I have ever seen. I have seen a lot of them. Cheerleader is really good but this one is so much better. I don't know what film some of you gals are talking about here..only thing I can think is your uptight and then this film is not for you. BEST LESBIAN FILM EVER!!!!!