everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Humaira Grant
It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Nayan Gough
A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
It seems after the events of the first movie, a Tucson married couple named Eugene and Jody Scott (Kathleen Lloyd and Fredric Forrest) are expecting their first child. However, Frank Davies (John Ryan) who was the father of the first mutant baby in the original that was gunned down flies from LA to warn the couple about their unborn child who might suffer the same effects as his own baby before of the vast and dangerous conspiracy to murder their baby and the other unborn mutant children who are being born around the country. And thereby in mortal danger from a nationwide task force dedicated to destroying the monster infants. Despite their initial apprehension, the Scotts eventually place a tenuous trust in Davis and a group of scientists who want to help couples cope with their child as they have 3 children to study. However there is a rival group lead by Detective Lt Perkins (James Dixon) who gunned down the Davies's baby in the first movie followed by Mr Malloy (John Marley) who was the father of the Seattle baby that was mentioned in the end of the first movie.This sequel to the 1974 box-office hit sci-fi horror shocker has Larry Cohen write-produce-direct this sequel where the first one left off. This one is quite dark and humor free as it's more on the serious side than the original! yet it is interesting and nice to see Frank Davis from the first movie back in this one played by John Ryan again. The new couple is quite annoying and some characters aren't likable outside of Frank whom ends badly in this movie out of the picture.Still a watchable sequel no doubt.
After the first film It's Alive about a mutant baby that's a real killer fresh from the womb, it was decided a sequel was in order. The first must have made a few dollars, that is how these things are decided.Returning from the first film is John P. Ryan the father who killed his own mutant and now has a mission in life, maybe to save others who are now showing up in the population. Which is why he visits Frederic Forrest and Kathleen Lloyd another expectant set of parents.After that things get real silly as the all seeing government in the person of John Marley gets into the act. There's also an institute that wants to house and study the mutants that's headed by Andrew Duggan. All these plot elements combine for one bloody ending.Not that the first film was a world beater, but it's Citizen Kane next to this.
Paul Andrews
It Lives Again starts is Tuscon in Arizona where Eugene (Frederic Forrest) & Jody Scott (Kethleen Lloyd) are expecting their first child, the couple is contacted by Frank Davis (John P. Ryan) who was the father of a mutant baby & warns them that they Jody is about to give birth to another mutant baby. Frank claims that the Government have set up a team to kill all the babies at conception & that he wants to protect them, the Government extermination team is lead by the ruthless Mallory (John Marley) while Frank belongs to a small group of scientists who want to protect & study the babies. Jody gives birth to her mutant baby & goes on the run from Mallory's team, in a secluded mountaintop house Jody & Eugene learn that Frank & the scientists have two other mutant babies that they are studying & caring for...Also known as It's Alive 2: It Lives Again just like it's predecessor It's Alive (1974) this was written, produced & directed by Larry Cohen who continues, elaborates & expands on the story & ideas of the original rather than just rehash & reuse them. A few character's return from the original It's Alive, most notably Frank Davis the father of the first mutant baby is now an activist helping to protect them & giving passionate speeches although the progression of the character is somewhat halted when he is unexpectedly killed off. The human villain here Mallory is joined by the cop Detective Perkins from the original It's Alive although he gets no such dramatic overhaul, the conflict between the two sides with those who want to protect the babies & those who just want to exterminate them is also elaborated on as entire networks are set-up to fool & evade the authorities. The scientific team feel that the babies are the next step in human evolution which is a bit of a stretch & I still have a hard time believing that so many people would just ignore the fact that these babies & brutally killing anyone they meet. Eugene & Jody are the unlucky couple this time & like the original their emotions & feelings go from utter disgust & hate to maternal love although it's less effective this time around & there's never any sensible reason given as to why the babies want to seek out their parents & kill them.Like the original It's Alive the killer babies are only ever seen in quick flashes or brief glimpses although once again that was down to the special effect being less than special so they were mainly kept off screen. With so many things going on in the plot from crazy scientists to arguing parents to stabs at social commentary & parenting there's not much time for horror actually, It Lives Again is noticeably tamer than It's Alive with less blood, less attacks & less scares although there are a couple of amusing visual gags including an incubator encased in a steel cage & a birthday cake with a mutant babies claw print in it. A slightly more polished production than the original things are still look a little rough at times, Bernard Hermann's score was reused even though the composer had died some three years earlier.Filmed in Tuscon & San Francisco things look a bit dated, the acting varies from John Ryan who is still good while he's alive anyway to Frederic Forrest who takes the Ryan role he played in the original who just isn't that good here.It Lives Again is a good follow up to Cohen's break though film It's Alive that tries to expand on it's ideas rather than reuse them but in trying to do too much it doesn't quite work as well. Followed by It's Alive III: Island of the Alive (1987).
Tommy Nelson
Stars: Frederic Forest, Kathleen Lloyd and John P. Ryan.A government conspiracy to kill all of the mutated babies has Frank Davis (Ryan) helping a pregnant couple out and stopping them from going through what he did. The first 15 minutes of the film are Frank talking to the couple at their baby shower and it is actually the 15 most enjoyable minutes in the film. Larry Cohen gives us an unneeded second dosage of similar material that is neither an improvement nor worse than the first one. Some people might enjoy this better for more screen time for the babies, and some may enjoy it less for rehashing material from the first. I liked it OK, but it was nothing special.My rating: ** out of ****. 90 mins. R for violence