
1957 "This Is A Picture About DOPE!"
6.1| 1h32m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 13 August 1957 Released
Producted By: Columbia Pictures
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Spurred on by the death of his drug-addicted sister at the hands of ruthless narcotics kingpin Frank McNally, U.S. drug enforcement agent Charles Sturgis embarks on an investigation that takes him from New York to London, Lisbon, Rome, Naples and finally Athens in pursuit of McNally's shapely associate, Gina Broger.


Drama, Crime

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John Gilling

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Columbia Pictures


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Interpol Audience Reviews

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
bkoganbing Victor Mature stars in Pickup Alley as a drug enforcement officer who has his professional and personal life combined in this film. His sister Dorothy Alison is strangled by Trevor Howard who is a big drug syndicate kingpin that everyone knows about, but who has successfully kept a very low profile. All kinds of police agencies are looking for Howard and now Mature has a personal reason to get him.Thinking she killed Howard's partner his moll Anita Ekberg is also on the run. She might be the one to lead Mature to Howard so he tails her across several international cities back to New York where the climax takes place.This idea had already been tried and far more successfully in the Dick Powell noir classic To The Ends Of The Earth where Powell was the drug enforcement agent with no personal axe to grind who follows a drug shipment. We get to see several glimpses of major cities in Europe and of course New York. Nothing that really registers a decent impression. Pickup Alley was an OK second feature, but will never be a classic. Fans of Mature, Ekberg, and Howard will be satisfied. Best in the film in a small role is Bonar Colleano, exiled American gangster who lives by his wits both as souvenir salesman in Rome and peddler of information to those with a price.
ronevickers This is quite an entertaining & energetic crime movie, which rattles along at a fairly brisk pace, but suffers somewhat from lack of character depth, and interaction between the characters. The leads all play their respective roles professionally and with a degree of panache, with the oily and sinister Trevor Howard particularly effective. Bonar Colleano also contributes a likable cameo as a fast-talking, quick-witted exiled American. In the central role, Victor Mature is dour and doesn't really get the opportunity to express more of his character's dual purpose of personal revenge and bringing an arch criminal to justice. Although there are many similar type films to this, I feel that it stands worthy comparison to many of them and is certainly deserving of release on DVD.
John Seal A past-his-prime Victor Mature stars in this rarely seen thriller from director John Gilling. Originally released as Interpol in its native UK, the film was retitled for US consumers, who perhaps thought Interpol was a brand of toothpaste. "Get that great Interpol smile!" - I'm just guessing, but it sounds reasonable, right? Mature plays Charles Sturgis, a super secret agent out to break up the narcotics ring of evil dealer Frank McNally (Trevor Howard), who's placed a monkey on the back of Sturgis' sister and then strangled her. Our hero latches on to McNally's moll (Anita Ekberg), and he's soon hot on the villain's trail through the back alleys of Lisbon and Rome. An early effort from James Bond producer Cubby Broccoli, Pickup Alley travels from New York to Europe and back again, and features outstanding cinematography by Ted Moore, who would go on to shoot Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, and Thunderball. A superb supporting cast, including Sid James, Eric Pohlmann, Andre Morell, Bonar Colleano, and Marne Maitland make this essential viewing for British cinema enthusiasts.
whpratt1 This was an interesting film which starred Victor Mature, (Charles Sturgis) who was a US Narcotics Agent working with Interpol in order to catch a large dope smuggling operation. Gina Broger, (Anita Ekberg) played a young gal who was working with a big shot dope king, Frank McNally, (Trevor Howard) and was only working with him because he kept her against her will and would not let her go. There is plenty of travel into Lisbon, Greece and New York and it seemed at times that Charles Sturgis was running around in circles. Trevor Howard gave a great supporting role along with Anita Ekberg, but this film was definitely a low budget film and because this was a 1957 film, the gals all wore skirts down to their ankles.