Redundant and unnecessary.
How sad is this?
It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Atlant G. Schmidt
At one point, one of the American "Interceptor Force" officers asks a Russian officer "What are you going to do, shoot me?" The Russian, in a wery, wery bad accent, replies, "No, I'm not goink to shoot you."What a sadistic guy! He could have saved that poor character the entire rest of the movie if he had just shot him right then and there.And after you watch this movie, you'll wish he had shot you too.Your only hope of surviving this movie is to warm up your best possible MST3K impression right from the first frame; otherwise, you are beink doomed!
The Interception team is once again on a mission to wipe out an alien life form. The last time, Lambert (Olivier Gruner) was the only one left alive in his team. The new alien have wiped out a millitary base in Russia and captured a nuclear reactor. The reactor houses the worst kind of uranium you can imagine. An explosion could effect the whole world. Lambert and his new team head to Russia.Interceptor Force 2 (also titled Alpha Force) is a pretty good movie. But there are some stuff that makes you annoyed, like the alien's abilities, the same as T-1000 in Terminator 2, shape shifting and if it explode it floats back together.The shape shifting I dont mind that much this time, those are pretty good with nice effects. Unlike the first movie Gruner sometimes actually fights with the alien form and not a human everytime they make contact.The action and fight scenes are good, so are the most of the special effects, and that is a must to make this movie work, because the Alien is all CGI.Olivier Gruner seems to work in the right direction again thinking of his lates very poor movies Cracker Jack 3, GOD and Deadly Engagement to name a few. He is to good to be cast in those kind of movies. Together with Olivier, Roger R. Cross makes a strong performance.I give it 5/10
This was a great movie for me because it had 2 of my favorite actresses. Elizabeth Gracen is wonderful, and did a good job in this movie. Her swimming scene near the end was really cool. Adrienne Wilkinson did well with a subdued role as a scientist, and still managed to show who she is. She was real cute at the end, when she got sexy, then embarrassed. The other main actors were good also. I'll probably watch it again.
for a low budget film i must say that the special effects are actually good overall i actually think that this is better than the first, problem is that there was too much of a gap, and some things just didnt make sense. watch it and understand plenty plotholes but a decent script makes up for it