
1981 "Conceived in violence, carried in terror, born to devastate and brutalize a universe!"
4| 1h33m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 23 January 1981 Released
Producted By: Jupiter Film Productions
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A crew of interplanetary archaeologists is threatened when an alien creature impregnates one of their members, causing her to turn homicidal and murder them one by one.

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Norman J. Warren

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Jupiter Film Productions


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Inseminoid Audience Reviews

PodBill Just what I expected
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
yeodawg This paint by number alien flick has colored inside the lines on so many levels, it so sad they missed the most important one…. How man deals with man during this catastrophe. Anyhoo the boys aren't hup- hupping around in black pajamas but they are hup hupping in specially designed top gun painted helmets. So they o have the latest tactical sheik. ANyhoo they land on a planet, something strange goes on, the black guy gets killed first, of course. Once they discover the infection it becomes who's infected. Then they realize they must stop the infected from reaching earth. And thus the big hunt begins and brother turns on brother as the figure out who is infected, and who's not.
Vivekmaru45 Don't expect a high quality sci-fi horror film. With all that was available to them, the cast and crew dished out an average effort.There is a decent amount of gore in this film. The killings are well orchestrated, however in the special effects department this film is really lacking.The film is dull in the beginning. The impregnation sequence leaves a lot to be desired. Just compare how in Alien directed by Ridley Scott, the "face-hugger" sequence is well shot and we see the creature clearly attached to the face of its victim and also as the creature bursts out of the chest.Here the alien creature transfers its genetic material through a clear plastic or glass tube inserted into the vagina of the victim. A sort of artificial insemination. And this is the topic film pokes fun of.Full Plot: On a desolate planet, a team of 12 Xeno project scientists are conducting an archaeological excavation to locate remnants of an ancient civilisation. Soon after an underground tomb network is found to contain crystals and wall inscriptions, photographer Dean White (Dominic Jephcott) is engulfed in a sudden rock blast and left incapacitated. Deciphering the alien language in the caves, xenolinguist Mitch (Trevor Thomas) suggests that the civilisation based itself on dualism: the planet orbits a binary star, and a pair of twins appears to have ruled the race that once inhabited it. Medical assistant Sharon (Heather Wright) announces that an energy field surrounds the crystals and proposes that a "chemical intelligence" ordered life on the planet.A crazed Ricky Williams (David Baxt) is compelled to re-enter the caves when a sample of crystals starts to pulsate and the chemical intelligence exerts its influence through a mark on his arm. Thrown into a grille in a compromised environmental suit, a panicked Gail (Rosalind Lloyd) commits suicide, removing her helmet and freezing to death in the inhospitable atmosphere while attempting to amputate her trapped foot with a chainsaw. Documentation officer Kate Frost (Stephanie Beacham) shoots Ricky with a harpoon gun just as he is about to open both the inner and outer airlock doors and render the air inside the base unbreathable.After the burial of Ricky and Gail, Mitch and Sandy (Judy Geeson) return to the caves to gather more crystals. A monstrous creature appears and dismembers Mitch before proceeding to rape Sandy. Found distraught, she receives treatment from Sharon and the chief medical officer, Karl (Barry Houghton), who determines that the assault has initiated an accelerated pregnancy in defiance of the regular intravenous injections of contraceptives provided to the women in the team. When further explosions in the tomb network scupper chances of deeper investigation, the surviving members of the team await the arrival of a Xeno rescue shuttle.The intelligence assumes control of Sandy through a similar mark on the arm. Unhinged, she demonstrates superhuman strength while murdering Barbra (Victoria Tennant). She then proceeds to mutilate Dean and the remains of Mitch, drinking their blood. The rest of the team seek refuge in the Operations Room as Sandy obliterates important hardware—including the base transmitter—with explosive charges. When the imbalance in her mind appears to correct itself, Karl, Sharon and Commander Holly McKay (Jennifer Ashley) attempt sedation to spare her unborn offspring. However, Sandy returns to an aggressive state. Holly and Karl are killed in an accident with heat-sealing apparatus, whereupon Sandy disembowels the corpses.Senior officer Mark (Robin Clarke) contacts Sandy, who is his romantic interest, from the Operations Room to stall for time as Kate and operations chief Gary (Stephen Grives) leave to commandeer chainsaws. The ruse uncovered, Sandy harpoons Gary outside the airlock, breathing the toxic atmosphere to no ill effect as she mauls his flesh. Preparing for a final confrontation, Mark stumbles across Sandy's newborn mutant twins. He entrusts them to Sharon as their mother blasts through the Operations Room door and smashes all the equipment inside, although she has lost her unnatural strength. Crippled from the blast of an explosive charge, Kate is gored to death. In a last stand, Mark strangles and kills his former lover with a ripped-out cable. He returns to Sharon to find one of the twins biting at her gashed neck, before its sibling launches itself at him.One month later, Xeno Auxiliary Module 047 lands on the planet to investigate the loss of contact with the team. With the base in ruins, the mission records lost and the complement of scientists either murdered or missing, combat marksmen Corin (Kevin O'Shea) and Roy (Robert Pugh) abandon the search for survivors and pilot Jeff (John Segal) radios Xeno control for clearance to return. The final shots reveal that Sandy's children have concealed themselves in a storage compartment onboard the shuttle.Conclusion: rent it(and watch once) and DON'T BUY it. Bottom line: I've seen better films than this (The Thing 1982 and The Fly 1986 for example).
one4now4 This is the mindblowing story of a couple and all their friends/coworkers on a business trip of sorts to a foreign country. They are there to study the place actually. Well, they go into a bad area at the wrong time and look too deeply, resulting in the death of one guy and the emotional scarring of another. Badly affected with post-traumatic stress disorder, his friends first become worried about him (leading them to investigate further into what really went on that terrible night), but then find themselves under attack from him when he finally goes postal. To make matters worse, the female of the couple I mentioned at the start of this review is raped and impregnated by a local scumbag who seems to have a lot to do with the mystery behind their friend's rampage (along with some crystal meth being manufactured in the area). The scarred rape victim goes over the edge even worse than the previous psycho, who himself has to be taken out by one of his own friends. The now even crazier soon-to-be mother has a such a total and psychotic breakdown that it's her who begins to kill her own friends, believing that the only way for her to give her children nourishment is to feast on the flesh of all who surround her. It's eventually up to her boyfriend to take her down, but his plans are violently disrupted when she has two twin kids. Apparently, the story jumps ahead a bit at this point, and the guy takes the kids away from Mommy (for obvious reasons). Of course, there's nothing else better to make her resume her killing spree once again, and so the poor, tortured guy must finally do what he originally set out to do: kill this poor, deranged woman. Unfortunately for him and his only surviving friend (as well as some cops who get involved way too late in the whole mess, toward the end), the kids show that their mother left a very peculiar mark on them as evidenced by their own culinary choice... Make no mistake about it, this movie is a lot of things, but rarely do you see a rape-revenge movie where the rape victim goes around killing everyone who DIDN'T rape her, rather than the other way around! The rapist himself disappears from the story, hitting us hard with the fact that not everybody's going to pay for what they've done (while others pay for it, despite innocence). A nihilistic view, maybe, but an effective one all the same. Judy Geeson puts in one of the most extremely well-wrought portrayals of madness ever committed to film. While the gore and the rape scene may upset or offend some (as well as distract them from the deeper issues at hand), these people could be watching a movie that simply glosses over or avoids such extremes, like "Lilo And Stitch". The score is great and the direction is flawless. Very much one of the greatest films ever made, but I can only hope to see the uncut version soon.
Woodyanders Man, this deliciously vicious early 80's British low-budget "ALIEN" rip-off can't seem to buy a positive comment. Well, luckily I'm here to post the token "where's this fool's head at?" odd man out favorable review for this enjoyably rough'n'nasty sci-fi/horror nugget. This extremely crude (and hence pretty smoking in my severely misguided book) dreck epic par excellence arguably boasts the single most brazen and absurd premise imaginable: Judy Geeson (yes, the same exact Judy Geeson of "To Sir With Love" fame) delivers a bang-up performance in the very thankless part of a luckless arid desert planet explorer who gets raped and impregnated by a foul extraterrestrial monster, which in turn causes her to go utterly bonkers and savagely butcher her fellow researchers. Geeson blows one guy's stomach open with a bulky laser gun, slices up future Steve Martin better half Victoria Tennant with a pair of scissors and snacks on a shrieking Jennifer Ashley, taking time out in between committing these ghastly murders to give painful birth to two slimy and ugly lethal humanoid alien babies in a sickening sequence that's absolutely appalling to behold (naturally, it's one of my favorite moments in the film). Directed with a laudable lack of taste and restraint by Norman J. Warren, with a quick, steady pace, a suitably bleak tone, some pleasingly barbed dialogue ("That would look great on the report," one beleaguered astronaut caustically remarks, "the team terrorized by an expectant mother"), an unusually strong cast, plenty of unflinching in-your-face graphic splatter, and a way funky score by John Scott, "Inseminoid" rates highly as first-rate unapologetic down'n'dirty trash that's not to be missed by hardcore connoisseurs of low-grade sleazy cinema.