I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Hayden Kane
There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Sameeha Pugh
It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
I love low-budget movies, as a matter of fact, I love really bad, low-budget movies, but even the most hardened bad movie lover must draw the line somewhere. Personally, I drew my line after witnessing the films of Nathan Schiff. But most recently, after sitting through most of my latest purchase from Subrosa Extreme, I have indeed found something much, much more disappointing than anything Schiff ever attempted. In fact, I wouldn't even show this to some Matrix-loving tool as a mean-spirited prank. God bless Subrosa, but I truly, deeply hated Insaniac. The description sounded totally promising. Insanity, LSD, delusions, gory killings, and yeah, it was shot on video, which isn't necessarily a horrible thing, this day in time, but it sounded like some original, gutsy, low-budget horror which might turn out to be entertaining. Even the few IMDb reviews seemed positive (I should have read the long one), so, thanks for nothing, guys. Look, this isn't your everyday boring b-movie, Insaniac is positively sleep-inducing. Insaniac tries so hard to be deep and to make you think that it forgets to give you any other reasons to stick around, and yeah, I cut out around the 60 minute mark, it's OK, I know enough to know that I loathe Insaniac, although, I recognize this review has been about as informative as the actual movie, but trust me, it's not worth that much thought. For watchable (awsome) shot-on-video trash from Subrosa, check out Shatter Dead and Dirty Cop No Donut. Insaniac is criminally Overrated and if you know what's good for you. you'll avoid it like the plague. 1/10
I just bought this movie through Brentwood releases. The description of the movie sounded interesting enough but knowing what kind of movies Brentwood releases I knew it was going to be very low budget. But as a low budget filmmaker myself I am always more than interested in seeing what other people like myself are doing. This movie is about a woman named Autumn and basically how she ended up in this psychiatric ward. She has amnesia and the whole undertone is you know something really horrible happened. This movie is not like most low budget horror cinema in which it contains a lot of random nudity, silly gore effects, etc. This is actually a very well written movie with a very good story. The editing is rather good and the direction is good, although at times it feels like I'm watching a David Lynch, but that's cool. The lead actress actually does a very good job and I hope to see her in other productions (hopefully something higher budget). The thing that really impressed me with this flick was the last few minutes of the movie. I'll just said it's very sad but just very ingenuise at the same time. All in all, very good movie and highly recommend to anyone that is in the industry. This shows that you actually can make a good film out of nothing. 7 stars
Kathy Gatlin (kgatlin)
Lead actress (Robin) did a good job in portraying tormented personalities. David Burnett is very convincing as the bad guy. (would have liked to see more of him being devilish). His character steals a couple of scenes. The gory scenes will gross you out and make your flesh crawl. Love the gritty black and white scenes. The film is not predictable you really can't tell how it's going to end. B+
It's not every day that you see a movie at this budget level that manages to achieve a great deal of complexity and creativity. It was rather refreshing to see that these filmmakers put their limited funds to good use by actually telling a decent story, rather than just parading a bunch of mediocre effects across the screen that come off as being shoddy, due to lack of funds to do them properly.The project seemed really focused on every aspect of the production, from Robin Garrels literate screenplay, to John Specht's sure-handed direction, to Eric Stanze's tight editing. I was surprised by the competent actors that were assembled for this project, and with the exception of a couple of the smaller parts, the acting was really solid, especially by Robin Garrels and Chris Grega in the leading roles.Now, this movie will probably not be for everyone. It might even be to "art-driven" for some people's conversative tastes, but for those who have a little patience, I'm sure you'll be satisfied on how all of the story elements come together near the movie's conclusion.INSANIAC is a cool, bloody, mind-bending, personal experience! Isn't that what independent film is all about?