
2006 "If You Think You Can Escape, You're Dreaming."
3| 1h24m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 06 June 2006 Released
Producted By: Fuel Entertainment
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Stranded after a car accident, a medical school student and her friends try to find shelter - only to cross paths with a deranged killer.



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Anya Camilleri

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Fuel Entertainment


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Incubus Audience Reviews

TinsHeadline Touches You
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Y R First, I would like to emphasize that I'm actually a fairly easy guy to please when it comes to movies. I notice that a few movies on IMDb with bad ratings make me feel that watching them wasn't a complete waste of time. So keep that in mind.Now with that said, Incubus happens to be the worst movie I've ever watched in my life, so far. It felt like it was a movie made to win some kind of 'Worst Movie Ever Made' award. What is truly abysmal about this movie is the cannot be described by anything other than abysmal, and to give you examples: characters talking about 'dark' and 'darkness' when the whole place is obviously very well lit (I appreciate this could be a lighting problem, but if for a technical reason the lighting couldn't be sorted, someone should have changed the script accordingly to fit the budget / circumstances / status quo), a character shouting in fear 'Please don't hurt me...stay away from me!' then immediately killing himself with a tool he could've used to defend himself for instance, and countless instances of events that don't make sense and comments & exclamations that literally make you go like, 'Where did THAT come from?' or 'What does this have to do with what you just said?' After script taking the icing of the cake, I can easily say directing was bad. After all, it really falls down to the leader behind any product or project to ensure quality. If a movie is that abysmal, it tells you something about the director. Finally, acting was also corny & bad no less than 80% of the time, save for the 2 cast members with the smallest roles and perhaps the black guy. But I'm sure the script & directing had major roles in producing such awful performance.I picked this movie only because I was interested in seeing the work of a specific cast member, nothing more. But it bordered on painful to try & keep watching the movie to the end so I don't miss any scenes where that cast member appears.The idea behind the movie or the main plot of the story is perhaps the only element of the movie that is more positive than negative. And you can know the main idea from reading the summary anyway.Avoid wasting your time on this movie unless you have a similar 'research' interest.
windypoplar "Incubus" starring the always lovely Tara Reid, is a direct to internet, direct to DVD horror flick. In other words don't expect much. Six incredibly stupid friends are lost in the woods, duh! And seek shelter in an apparently abandoned compound. The only smart one, pay attention to her folks!, decides to risk the outdoors. Reid, playing Jay, her brother, a very irritating actor I don't know, and 3 others go inside. Ala, the descent to hell.Inside is a man called the Sleeper, you dream, he takes your body, and kills. The director creates some good atmosphere and Tara does manage some good moments of "oh my God?" Basically this was a bad script. The story makes less and less sense as it goes. There are some good scares and some heavy gore, but when they finally go off on the killer the film collapses.Supposedly the Sleeper has been held in stasis for five years, still once loose he jumps around like super-fly and takes people out~! Hello, five years? Wouldn't your muscles atrophy a bit? The end comes down to Tara and the killer as you must have known. This gets confusing. In a film with a plot like "Nightmare on Elm Street" I expected some good fantasy/dream sequences. There is only one, right near the end and its good, but it leaves you wanting much more. There is a nice final twist, which I won't give away, but its not quite enough to make up for about an hour of sludge."Incubus"-the title is explained fairly well- isn't the most horrible thing I've seen, but it could have been a whole lot better. There isn't enough back story given to make us care and there isn't enough of Tara shown if your wondering. This is for die-hard horror fans only and even then I hope it just inspires you to make a good flick of your own.
culmo80 I usually like most horror films, even if they are bad, but it's usually because there is some redeeming value to it. Genuine scares, good plot line, etc.Sad to say, Incubus has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING valuable about it.So the film starts with some odd fight between two scientists in some run-down bunker. I suppose this is intended to "grab" the viewer and make them wonder what's going on. Not really.Then we come to our brave crew of young adults who will of course stumble upon some great horror. They suffer a car accident (note, you don't actually see the accident, just the car flipped over on it's side and a guardrail all twisted up.) Instantly you find that the dialog is terrible and the acting isn't much better.So our brave party trek off across Montana to find the nearest town or something and decide to cut through some woods when they stumble upon some mysterious compound complete with automatic lights but for some reason the fence is quite easily kicked-in. Now at this point in the film, you ask yourself why these people are so intent on getting inside the building, I guess it was supposed to be really cold outside and they needed shelter...despite the fact that it looked like it was the middle of summer and they all had camping equipment. Anyway, they climb up onto the roof and repel down a massive air shaft...first they send down Tara Reid...all alone and let her wander around while the others just stand around. Then they all decide to go down and look for Tara Reid except for one girl with a foreign accent who decides to leave and not tell anyone...Well our foolish band of heroes explore their prison after the rope gets cut on the air shaft and they find bodies and most surprisingly, a guy in a coma-state with all sorts of wires attached to him.Tara Reid suddenly because very interested in this guy for some reason, even after her brother gets killed by the last of the deranged scientists. Fast forward a bit, the scientist kills himself and one of the guys is now deranged and he attacks them. Tara, on her brief examination of the data figures out that they are conducting experiments on this guy and that he's actually a killer who was supposed to be executed. Tara then talks about how the government (CIA, NSA, DIA, etc) were all conducting experiments but those were shut down in 1995 but for some reason this one continued...deep in the Montana woods where lost campers could stumble upon a super-secret operation....hmmmSo anyway, Tara figures out that the serial killer is getting into people's bodies when they sleep and this is where the movie gets its name. Sadly, an Incubus did not this and instead would have sex with women to create more incubi. But I guess it sounded cool and they needed something to make people want to watch this film. The group then decides to somehow trap the killer by having one of them fall asleep. Idiots. Obviously the person who falls asleep then tries to kill them and they are forced to kill her. Hilarious...what did they think was going to happen.At this point, you're wondering why they don't just kill the serial killer and the one guy tries, though he only pulls out some tubes...rather than simply stab him or break his neck or something. And we all know what happens next, he comes alive and with only Tara Reid left, there's a chase scene and she outsmarts him and then kills him by making him fall down the air shaft and then she strangles him. Tara then falls asleep and has a dream of the killer pleasuring her and then eating her, ha ha. She wakes up to find police and she is taken outside. We find that the girl who left in the beginning apparently found the police and of course the last scene, we see Tara Reid with the killer eyes....The film leaves you with a profound sense of...regret. Bad acting, horrible dialog, a plot line that makes no sense and so many holes that it's almost like this was written by a budding drama student in about an hour. Not even Tara Reid's ultra-tight shirt can save this film. Normally, for mediocre horror films, I would tell you to go ahead and rent it on netflix or, save your time.
sydneylowe I usually love watching bad horror movies. They're fun. This movie was an exception. The characters were so poorly acted and their motivations so completely irrational that I was hoping this was a short film and they'd all die quickly. And the plot! Swiss cheese has less holes. Here's what I hated the most. I apologize the list is so short... Why did the entire gang enter through the roof? Why wouldn't 1 or 2 of them descend through the vent, then try the front door to let their friends in? Why did they assume they wouldn't be able to open them from the inside? When Jay and Josh are both looking for each in the hallways, screaming each other's names, why don't they answer? Jay couldn't have gone more than a few hundred feet before Josh went after her. Lucky break finding that key in the scientist's mouth. If Josh couldn't tell what was in her mouth, why did he insist on digging in there? In the basement, when Josh is trying to find the breaker switch, Holly senses there is someone down there with them. "Oh, don't worry about that, Josh, just find the breaker. The lights are sooo much more important than your life." When the gang discovers the Incubus, Josh immediately recognizes him as a child killer. How? This takes place years later after his conviction and his faked death so the government could experiment on him. How could anyone make that connection? "Hey, we're really scared because of the dead bodies everywhere and the psycho killer locked in the basement. I know, why don't we split up while Peter's trying to open the vent? When Peter discovers the airvent with the vertical shaft to lead to the roof, everyone's happy. In the very next scene, the characters are shown going upstairs. Wouldn't the vent be easier to access on a higher floor and make it less of a climb to the roof? No one was around when Peter fell asleep and became host to the Incubus. How could Jay, Bug, and Holly reach their conclusion that Peter was possessed during his sleep? Jay had no basis to warn Bug not to fall asleep because the same thing would happen to him. "Oh no, Peter's gone crazy. Where can we feel safe? I know, in the glass room with the creepy coma guy. Quick, everyone inside." Jay spends 5 minutes reading a "random" file about the Incubus and suddenly has ALL the answers. Oh yeah, she's a medical student. They must cover inhumane experiments involving child psychopaths and REM sleep in first year. Ditto with the first VHS tape she finds. Lucky pick, Jay. "Oh, my brother's dead and I'm devastated. The only thing that will help me now is telling Holly about my out of body experiences as a kid, which has nothing to do with the plot, other than a cheap attempt to explain what could be happening." Jay is a medical student? When was this ever revealed in the movie? And of all the people to play one, Tara Reid? Come on... The Incubus was very articulate considering he had no tongue, and my, so incredibly agile even though he was in a sitting position for years. Thank god his muscles didn't atrophy. "Oh no, the psycho Incubus is free, can talk, and walk around without handicap. I better waste time tying this vice to a rope and just hope it somehow hooks onto something on the roof." How did the rope get long enough to do this? It snapped when Peter was using it, leaving it short, which is why they were trapped in the first place. Jay kills the Incubus in seconds with rope that's not even wrapped around his neck. She just pins it down over his neck on both sides and he suffocates in seconds. Why did the police officer immediately arrest Jay at the end of the movie without seeing if she needed medical attention? Or asking her to explain what happened? And why did Jay just put her hands behind her back so complacently? (Tara, you're acting; this isn't real life.)