
2010 "The search began at the opening of their mother's will."
8.3| 2h11m| R| en| More Info
Released: 04 September 2010 Released
Producted By: TS Productions
Country: France
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A mother's last wishes send twins Jeanne and Simon on a journey to Middle East in search of their tangled roots. Adapted from Wajdi Mouawad's acclaimed play, Incendies tells the powerful and moving tale of two young adults' voyage to the core of deep-rooted hatred, never-ending wars and enduring love.


Drama, Mystery, War

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Denis Villeneuve

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TS Productions


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Incendies Audience Reviews

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
sherifelmorssi Unforgettable movie, perfect about every level. genius script , the actors are perfect , direction and cinematography are amazing amazing amazing, something never before never again . Thanks for everyone participates in this movie, 2 hours and 10 minuets of unstoppable beauty. I liked the location very much . I extremely recommend it
TobinTelleran This is a beautiful film. The direction is perfect; the score poignant and edgy at times when it needs to be. The cast all gave the performances of their careers. The cinematography is second to none with the shots beautifully done to draw you into this, at times, horrific story.But it is the story that makes this film superb. All of the characters are real. You feel with them through all of the beats and the dialogue is really well thought out. This is especially true with all the use of dramatic irony through the use of multiple languages.A must watch but not for the faint hearted.
hddu10 Loosely based on events which occurred in the Lebanese civil war of the 1970s (although the actual country is never named), Incendies takes the viewer on a very emotional and personal ride spanning decades; showing how the actions and events of an instant affect generations of people into the future; who are most likely unaware. The film brings home the horrors of war, the dynamics of family and gives insight into Arab culture...much of which is unknown to the west. Some of the view-points and events concerning the sectarian violence were very one-sided and inaccurate (hence why they did not exactly name this as taking place in Lebanon), but if you can overlook this, you will undoubtedly be rewarded with a gut-wrenching yet masterfully powerful film.
Smoreni Zmaj Great idea but weak realization. Story has strength and depth and, if it was made by the book, book probably kicks ass, but movie left me indifferent. I can not say what is the issue, if it is acting or directing or music or what... but until just few minutes before the end I had absolutely no emotions towards what I was watching and I was bored. For idea and very end of the movie 9/10, but overall impression about 5/10.!!! SPOILER ALERT !!!Christian girl gets involved with Muslim refugee and she gets pregnant. Christian police kills Muslim and her child is taken away on birth and sent to orphanage. Many years later she gets revenge for tragedy of her youth by killing leader of Christian police. She ends up in prison where she is raped by the most cruel guard. She gets pregnant again and gives birth to twins. After she is released from prison she takes her children to Canada.After she died her testament sends her children in quest to find their father and brother and deliver letters from her. Daughter goes to search for father and son searches for brother and they both find the same person.Orphanage was destroyed in war and child was adopted by attackers and trained to be killing machine. He ends up as prison guard where he rapes female prisoner not knowing it was his mother.Twins first get to know that their father is not killed in war like they were told. They find out that they are result of their mother being raped in prison while she was serving sentence for murder. Then as icing on the cake they find out that she was raped by long lost son. So, in adult age you find out that your whole life was lie. Your mother is murderer, you are rape child, rapist is your older brother and you are just side effect of sadistic, incestuous rape and now you are expected to continue with your life as mentally stable person... yea, right, like it is possible...So, I would like to improve this already sick movie by adding some epilogue to it:a) Father/brother receives both letters and, when his brain finally realizes shocking truth, he drops letters on the floor and jumps through the window (shoot himself in the head), while twins end up in closed section of sanitarium.or, for those who root for happy ending...b) Twins cry in embranchment, which ends up "horizontally", and father/brother accepts his new found family and joyfully awaits birth of his grandchild/nephew and they lived happily ever after.P.S. Yup, I'm sick, I know :P