Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Critics and friends have reacted variously to this film, but I found it very, very good. The characters are entirely believable, but the real pay-off for hanging in there with them through all the vagaries of their existence and problems (a number of them are messed up by their experiences in Vietnam -- this film came out just as there was a resurgence in post-traumatic stress syndrome among vets) comes with the way the film reaches a resolution at the end. A quiet, understated scene beautifully underscored by the excellent music of James Horner. I would rank this film very high on my "I give thanks that I got to see this" list.
I thought the movie was dull, but the writer, Bobby Ann Mason who hails from the movie's real life location of Mayfield, KY, is deep and simple at the same time. My comments are directed at two idiots who commented earlier. First to the person who said that it truthfully portrayed "country life," you are ignorant. I live about twenty minutes from Mayfield and I can tell you that most people from this area laughed their asses off at how far the director went out of his way to portray the local people as simplistic morons. This stereotype was more typical prior to the 70s and in the world we live in today with being much smaller, it just isn't correct. Now, for the moron who referred to the people being from Appalachia, you need to study your geography dude. Mayfield is located in far western Kentucky, about 30 miles from southern Illinois and about 30 miles from southeastern Missouri. There isn't a mountain within 400 miles of that town and in fact it is quite flat. These stereotypical profiles that some morons continue to associate with Kentucky really p*** me off. It is true that there are some areas of far eastern Kentucky where the people live like hillbillies. At the same time, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, etc. contain homes built on the side of mountains with three legged dogs in the yard, cars on concrete blocks and clothes hung on lines across the front porch in a manner as bad if not worse than eastern Kentucky could ever appear. Geez, take some sociology classes and get real.
"In Country" is what soldiers called being in Viet Nam during the war, thus the title of this 1989 film. Emily Lloyd, an 18-year-old English actress credibly plays Sam (Samantha) who is being raised by her uncle (Bruce Willis) while her mother (Jane Allen) lives elsewhere in Kentucky. Sam wonders about her father, who was killed in Viet Nam right before she was born. She found old letters of his to her mom, and this sparks her interest in finding out more about him. The film ends when she finds his name in D.C. at the memorial.I was drafted in 1968, and only a medical disqualification kept me out of Viet Nam. I'm certain that some of my college buddies, and ROTC mates, went and never returned. For us who remember those times this is an especially meaningful film. It is slow moving in many places, but well-done and perhaps deserving of a bit higher rating on the IMDb.This is one of the many older movies now being released as budget DVDs. It sold for under $6. It is very basic, no extras, no surround sound. Still, the picture is very true, in fullscreen, and the sound is above average. Includes some good Bruce Springsteen.
Emily Lloyd plays a young woman searching for her father, who was killed in Vietnam. Bruce Willis plays her Uncle, also a vet, who is coping with the fact that he made it out alive while his brother did not.Very well done with superb acting by Willis in his finest role and by Lloyd who plays her part brilliantly. Underrated as a film, is very much worth the time.. Concludes with a very touching and emotional scene at the Vietnam Memorial8 of 10