It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Billy Ollie
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
The major issue about this film is simple in that it panders to the demographic it was made for. The funny thing is that most conservatives will openly admit that (and to be honest it doesn't even try to hide the fact the documentarian is a conservative) but at the same time "progressives", I guess they can't be called liberals anymore, accept Michael Moore completely.Both "documentaries" have a transparent agenda yet this will be bashed by liberals and accepted by conservatives just as it is reversed in almost any Moore film .. I mean, honestly, why do we still call Moore films documentaries when it has been proved time and time and time again they have no resemblance of one ...Great movie if you are conservative; progressives will hate it. Simple as that.
First, I would like to point out to those who are fans of this movie, or are just liberal bashers in general, THIS MOVIE DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. The entire premise is built around two things. Obama is a socialist who also somehow wants to expand government. I have a word for you to look up. It's oxymoron. Those two ideas do NOT go together. It's either ONE or the OTHER. You can't have it both ways unless you are a homophobic Republican tapping your foot in a public restroom stall.The people giving this film high marks need to wake up and smell the stink. This movie is nothing but a smokescreen. Others have already brought up the points, so I won't kick a dead horse.You and I are the ones being walked on and kicked to the gutter, while the fat cats are piling up more money than they could spend in 10 lifetimes. Yes, all politicians are in it ultimately for themselves, but the Dems at least have some better ideas that can benefit us. They are at least willing to try to make things better. The GOP platform is 'Race to the Bottom'. Push all of the burden on the middle and lower classes, start multiple wars without proper authorization and without providing funding, then cut programs that don't have anything to do with deficits (think SS and Medicare) -btw when they say Entitlement, think RIGHT, as in guaranteed. These programs are paid for by you and your employers, just like unemployment, to make sure you have something available for you if something happens and you can't work or afford medical help - OMG, SOCIALISM!!! Obama hasn't done anything to increase the size of government, but he has tried to find a way to pay off the crap stack that was given to him. Too bad the 'other party' fights him at every turn, just because he isn't Republican (and possibly because he isn't white). If he said 'We need to lower taxes on the rich', the Republicans would say the opposite just because they would catch fire if they agreed. Newt is an excellent case.
I'm sure most people who watch this film already agree with what this film is set out to do. It only takes somebody aware of actual facts to immediately see that this film is a propaganda piece. An exaggerated one sided view which is extremely selective with what it allows in it. Don't expect opposing viewpoints. Don't expect any questioning of what is said. This film will most likely work well on converting Americans who are easily manipulated, can't catch hypocrisy, and have limited knowledge of how events actually went down over the course of history. For those who DO have that ability, you will find yourself wanting to scream at your TV and tell these people how things really are. I could sit here and pick apart many things in this film and try to do my best and let people have a better grasp on reality, but why would I? The facts are already out there. All they have to do is search with an open mind. I'm not saying voting democrat is the answer. They have their own issues as well. I've seen many propaganda films in my time, but this one will get any knowledgeable person really frustrated to know there are people out there eating this stuff up.
Very simple message backed up with facts and speeches from Democrats and Republicans...I do feel that you can't tax your way to prosperity..it has to come from tax relief to the business sector...Democrats don't realize that and so they continue with stimulus packages. I did like the 9.5 million going to finding Aliens from out of space...and they can't close off the borders to aliens coming through Mexico into America. This is insane government at it's best. When you leave you will know both sides of the political street...Nov 2 is an important date that will decide the course of America into the future...as Obama said, That is what elections are for..