This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Walter Sloane
Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
The plot is ridiculously long, violence for the sake of violence, no drive or reason, i felt exhausted after watching it. But the most bothersome thing was that with such a good rating, it's nothing more than another movie about a man preying on young girls. Moderation is good, the only aspect of the movie I would attribute it to was the acting.
The plot is unrealistic even for a glorified slasher.
If you want entertainment ...skip this movie.
It started out really good with suspense and scares, then it was getting repetitive and boring. The officer just kept torturing the killer and letting him go. There was no reason why either the murderer was killing these women or why the hero was a murderer later on. It does have some cool action scenes, but goes on too long and goes in circles. We don't know the motive of the characters very well.
Michael Ledo
The soundtrack starts out like this is a cheap Italian movie. It gets better.The movie starts out with a woman stranded on a highway in the snow. She has a wrecker coming and is talking on her cell to her husband, a secret agent who watches Liam Neeson films. He is also conducting business. At one point he excuses himself to go to the restroom so he can sing to her on the phone. The next thing you know she is bludgeoned and dragged to a location where she is stripped and chained. The man doesn't torture her, just simply kills her. We find out that not only is he a psycho, but generally socially dysfunctional.Her husband takes a leave from work and goes and plays "Dirty Harry" on every Korean pervert until he finds the killer in the act of raping a girl. Apparently the killer disrobes, rapes and then murders his victims, although he kills men too. He stops the rape and beats up the killer, but lets him go. The killer now has a bug and tracking device on him. Our Korean Dirty Harry is able to follow him around. When the killer/rapist is in the middle of an act, our Korean Dirty Harry shows up, beats the guys up and cuts on him. He is now wearing a soccer jersey so he can claim he got his wounds playing soccer in order to get medical attention, perhaps intended as a joke.Nudity and rape, although the rape scenes are far less graphic than our 70's films. The translation was rather smooth and kudos for some originality.
This film has great cinematography, choreography, sound editing and among other things. There is some pretty fake visual effects, when the protagonist smashes a man's penis it looks very fake, as well as a part towards the end of a man getting his face hit with a object (you'll notice it). I'm not sure why they just didn't the entire face maybe, just a part so the effect won't be as noticeable. There also seems to be a lot of questionable logic, including how the protagonist found the killer. The protagonist found the killer by going to his parents then talking to his son, which he told him the address pretty much right away. How did the police not do that? Clearly the killer was wanted they made a big deal of saying that he's turning himself in. This film follows a lot of stereotypes and cliches of most revenge crime movies, including a scene where a woman sneaks up on the protagonist and yells before trying to stab him which only results in a scratch.I would have rated a 6, which is decent in my book, if it wasn't for the great aspects. Including the incredible performance by Choi min-sik.I rate this a 7/10 which I consider good. It has it's flaws but I believe the great aspects of the film outweighs its flaws