I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
The acting in this movie is really good.
Allison Davies
The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Mathilde the Guild
Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Peter Peterson is one of the chief proponents of 'entitlement' reduction; i.e. Social Security and Medicare. Never in any discussion of deficits are the exorbitant sums spent for military boondoggles, outdated ineffective weaponry (corporate welfare) , uncontrolled and unexamined payments to our corrupt 'allies' (Karzai, Pakistani Intelligence Services, Israel). So be careful, especially if you're a boomer and just about ready to get Social Security - it may not be there if Peterson has his way. His argument sounds so sensible, unless you include the elements he's ignored. It's noticeable that there are almost no voices on this panel to protect Social Security & Medicare.
This is just republican propaganda crap!Trying To scare Americans into signing away their paid right to social security.They want to steal that money too!!!The social security trust fund is not insolvent! So do not let your representatives take your retirement away from you.Do not vote for this idea or any along this path.If you do,you'll still pay FICA taxes the republicans will take,and you get nothing in return.Not even a "thank you".I can't believe all the laws GW Bush took away,including ones that covered this.Out and out lies,and calling them facts!Stuff like this should get Americans boiled up and make them take the republicans out of every seat in the house and senate.Be alittle intelligent and don't fall for this "scare tactics" propaganda piece aimed at taking your hard earned money away from you and into their pockets.
This movie is not for policy wonks, economists, or accountants. It's for citizens of the United States - Highly Patriotic citizens who want to preserve their country.It spells out in superb graphics what we're up against financially. The film has a great pace, lots of color, and combines all sorts of mediums to make an excellent presentation of the information.The message is dark, but brutally honest. And there is yet hope, so I encourage you to see the movie to find out what it is.I am absolutely convinced if the electorate saw and understood these issues, we would be willing to make the hard choices quite gladly, and reward politicians who were clear, transparent and honest, and send packing those who's egos and greed keep them in Washington.What ever happened to civil service as a moral ideal?
Comptroller of the United States GAO gives us the facts and describes some history of why the financial crisis of the government budget deficit and national debt are the top threats facing the United States today. Our nation has lost its way and we somehow think it is sustainable for us to spend more as a nation than we earn. The facts and numbers are shocking. Where we will be in 25 years is even more alarming. But it is not too late. As recently as the end of the 1990s the nation was operating under a balanced budget. We can do that again and begin paying down our debts. Excellent presentation of these facts. Not a hopeless cause. But we do need to make some adjustments as a nation. This movie is a must see for everyone of any political persuasion. Very educational.